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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Given the faults the ESP950 are known to develop I have stopped thinking about getting a pair. I was going to see what they sounded like on the Blue Hawaii, but not any more.
  2. Maybe more people will experiment with the drivers in better housings now that there is no warranty? It really sucks if a pair develops the squeal though
  3. deepak

    Magnepan 1.7

    I used to pee in people's food
  4. Sweet, I'll await your thoughts. Analog recording + KG must be good though
  5. When did these come out? Must have
  6. Stretch I take it you missed the $10 Continuum? AudiogoN ForSale: Continuum Audio Labs Criterion turntable
  7. Koetsu carts are fantastic, my long term analog buddy just keeps climbing the Koetsu chain after hearing many different carts. The Lyra/Koetsu are polarizing in their signatures though.
  8. He announced it would be coming out in 2010 in September 2009, at the 10 year anniversary of the album. I'm predicting a multiple version offering like Ghosts. I will make a thread in the music forum when more is known.
  9. Ultimate deluxe edition comes out this year. But yeah I do like the vinyl for slightly more dynamics, longer songs and the two extra songs.
  10. Is the reviewer the seller on Ebay? How does he know what the wire inside looks like
  11. Today was the first time this season I haven't received mail due to the weather. Otherwise USPS has been fine, a bit slow but that's understandable.
  12. Ummm not really. Sound Lab's top of the line models are between $30k-35k I would put them against any speaker made regardless of cost.
  13. Robert Johnson - King of the Delta Blues Singers
  14. Lots of snow. No mail because of it (expecting moar LPs) Not happy
  15. Chris I posted this in the deals thread a while ago- the Esoteric SACDs are cheaper on hmv.co.jp I believe people were saying closer to $40 each, and HMV Japan's shipping is pretty reasonable. Anyway being a DA/AD nerd I think it's pretty cool that Esoteric designed (or modified one of their existing DACs) to serve as an ADC They were always under $10 at amazon. Don't know now that SH made a thread about them... This guy has a complete list of all 56 discs: Amazon.com: Lists by D. B. Wiseman "23" I wish I could find the Mercury Living Presence discs for cheap
  16. Oh my how have I not heard of this? And mastered at Bernie's, this is added to the wish list. Sort of strange they'd replace the classic artwork with a picture of a master tape... Frank Zappa - We're Only In It for the Money mfsl cd
  17. x5, thanks for organizing it this year Steve
  18. I've been listening to the SL-1200 the last couple of days. Superb performance for how cheap they are. Most obvious improvement over my Music Hall is rock solid speed stability. Bill Evans- Interplay Fantasy 45 rpm vinyl is my torture LP for testing pitch issues and the Technics sails through. A VPI Aries with SDS and my Music Hall can't quite pass this test. Interestingly the other TT that can make this LP sound like heaven is the Garrard I mentioned earlier. I'm not convinced the SL-1200 is an improvement in all areas over the MMF-5, but I am so used to the MMF-5 sound through years of use that I need to spend some more time with this DD before forming any solid opinions.
  19. deepak

    Magnepan 1.7

    Good point. I'd like to think soon, since it is a direct competitor to the 1.6, which will slow 1.6 sales (Steve Guttenberg mentions $2000 msrp, same as the 1.6). Whereas the mini/sub combo is more of a stand alone product in their lineup.
  20. last album to round out 2009 proper and then i'm off Art Tatum and Ben Webster - The Tatum Group Masterpieces (Fantasy 45 rpm vinyl) sublime
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