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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. If you have any space what about getting an extension to the house? More sq feet and adds to the resale value.
  2. Ahhh my days of ruling with an iron fist are over
  3. A couple more Hunt EDA knock off brushes.
  4. It must be a good 15 years since I've listened to Priest. Hoffman is mastering some "interesting" stuff for AF.
  5. Cecil Taylor - The Conquistador (Japan TOCJ Cd)
  6. Every Weiss DAC I know of uses delta sigma converters, this probably does too.
  7. Sam Rivers - Complete Blue Note Mosaic
  8. I keep seeing January 2009 on forums and think it's a current thread. Fortunately I haven't bumped any of these threads
  9. Does Moerch make an arm wand that can mount integrated cartridges?
  10. One of the British hifi magazines (I think) did some measurements of the SME 9" and 12" tonearms. I lost the link in a hardrive crash, but I remember someone posted the findings with graphs in VinylAsylum a while ago. Searching VA is a nightmare so I wasn't able to find the thread.
  11. The XOno sounds like good suggestion. IME having a phono with lots of different loading options is a good thing, as slight changes in loading can cause quite audible aberrations in frequency response.
  12. The fake reviewer quote made me laugh out loud. Good stuff Jack, all the best on the repairs. What are the differences between the ESL57 and 63?
  13. The wait for the project details is killing me
  14. Oscar Peterson Trio - Complete Clef/Mercury Recordings mosaic box
  15. Miles Davis - At the Blackhawk disc 1
  16. deepak


    Download Man vs Food for more crazy sized portion yummyness. It's a good show too.
  17. I'm wondering if there is any good software that can implement a "jukebox" style web interface to browse all albums. Basically create a website on a local computer that is easily updated with album art and artist information by simply inputting information into a field. The user can then just go to their local website and browse their entire collection say for example by album art. Or clicking on an artist which would then take you to a page of album art for just that artist. It wouldn't have to playback anything just serve as GUI showing the user what music they have access to. I'm using foobar2000 and iTunes, but both of them have become too cumbersome when dealing with large directories spread over multiple drives and different masterings. With the above web interface I could easily find what I'm looking to listen to and then load the album into the player. I see a lot of the audiophile jukebox devices use something similar, but they are all stand alone units and I want to stick with my computer. I understand coding something like this should be fairly straightforward, but I can't program let alone making custom fields to easily add information. Does something like this exist? Free or pay it doesn't matter.
  18. The EAR is really good, though I've never heard it with the SUTs in the signal path since he uses high output cartridges. The Aesthetix sounded great, but I wasn't there long enough to make any conclusions compared to the EAR.
  19. I imagine with an attenuatable source things would be fine. With balanced outs that are normally double the output of single ended it causes problems. they're all opinions being posted here, no one is stating fact. Putting IMO in every comment posted is lame.
  20. Some of my favorites: The Flaming Lips - Embryonic. One of their finest albums and one of the best albums in the last 10 years. Stardeath and the White Dwarfs - The Birth. Closely related to the Flaming Lips, but completely original in their own way. Bat For Lashes - Two Suns. I love her debut and this one, really hard to say which I like more. Raekwon - Only Built For Cuban Lynx Pt2. One of the finest Wu Tang solo albums. I would go so far as to say best rap album in the last 10 years maybe even eclipsing the first Cuban Lynx. Either this or Fishscale for best rap album of this decade IMO obviously I have my biases Bear in Heaven - Beast Rest Forth Mouth. Porcupine Tree - The Incident. The Dead Weather, I will need to listen to some more. I still haven't heard the new Rykarda Parasol and I loved her debut. Sort of a weak year for me.
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