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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Inspired by Al to listen to some 80s metal Hollywood Rocks Various Artists
  2. John Coltrane - Live at the Village Vanguard (original Impulse! stereo vinyl) Classic!!
  3. Gil Melle - Patterns in Jazz Music Matters 45 rpm vinyl
  4. What's the green fuzz looking mat on the Technics platter? It looks like you're still using the stock rubber mat on top of it?
  5. I think those using Amarra on Mac would disagree with you. And according to Sonic Studios it is still bit perfect.
  6. Sonny Terry - Sonny is King Fantasy 45 vinyl with the EC HD300
  7. Just my 2c I wouldn't use the wood box as any gauge to the age or the driver version. I've owned two K1000 with natural wood box that were different inside (top lid), but they were both in the same serial number range. Using the box to determine the sound of the headphones is like using an LP jacket to determine which pressing it is (ie record companies some times just put the record in whatever jacket they had on hand at the time).
  8. Less than the Audio Technica L3000 but more than the Audio Technica A500
  9. The O2/KGSS is a good pairing. It is what made me build an O2 setup after hearing it at a meet.
  10. Arnett Cobb - Sizzlin' Fantasy 45 rpm vinyl
  11. I don't have the magazine in front of me but the undithered 1 KHz sine wave at - 90 dbfs looked like a garbled mess and in the same issue the Bryston DAC measured incredibly well. Also JA commented along the lines that the noise was so high that DSD or 24 bit wouldn't be more resolving than 16 bit. I agree his response was interesting.
  12. And a few more oop Fantasy 45 lps off ebay
  13. Favorable subjective review in February Stereophile, but the measurements were poor according to Jon Atkinson.
  14. I bet the all Shindo system with Shindo 301 sounds really good.
  15. The new logo rocks (or I just never noticed the blurred background shadowing effect before)
  16. Digging the new software and all the extra features that were added to private messages
  17. I hope you're not planning to put the MBLs in storage :-0
  18. Heh I was listening to Metal Box a few days ago
  19. Amazon.com: Hollywood Rocks: Audio Companion: Various Artists: Music mmm hair and glam metal
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