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Everything posted by deepak

  1. deepak

    Canjam 2010.

    I'm tying to get Thursday through Monday off, if I can I will be attending. Pretty cheap flights from Boston straight into O'Hare. Fingers crossed
  2. Where are you getting the hollow diffusors from? Any measurements pre and post treatment?
  3. Will do sir, Keep It Like a Secret will be up in an hour.
  4. That's really cool, hope to see you there numbs
  5. I don't have a G10, but there are quite a few posts on AVS forums about black levels degrading.
  6. Very nice!! I really regret not buying one when they were available, with the pany G10 issues starting to arise now
  7. You can hover over the link to see what the item is without clicking on it. This isn't a bug particular to VB4, the old software did it as well.
  8. The HD580 + HD300 bass is almost too much for me (midbass really) after listening to the more natural bass of the Omega 2. Also you're not supposed to be having fun when listening to music, bad Monkey!
  9. deepak

    Beyer T1

    My post should have been taken with a generous dose of hyperbole I like some ambient music.
  10. deepak

    Beyer T1

    A shame the latter isn't really music.
  11. 38 mm is my preferred size.
  12. Yup Headroom might even have a balanced stock cable version of the HD800. This is the impedance curve of the HD800 vs HD650, you might need active amplification with the HD800
  13. It will come down to which one you like more Omega 2 or HD800? You can build very nice systems around both of them. Personally I would get the Omega 2 with either a KGSS or 717 since I know those combinations sound good then go with whatever source you wanted. The Exstata sounds like a good amp too.
  14. Heck yes, I have that on Fantasy vinyl. One of my favorites from the 45 rpm reissue series.
  15. Two sets of SR-007A earpads and repair cost for SR-007 mk1 cable replacement plus shipping.
  16. Sweet glad you can make it Al!! I'm attending this one.
  17. Both my ESP950s squealed on the E90. I wasn't able to try other amps. The third one was fine.
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