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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Reks don't tell me you buy into this SHM voodoo. You of all objectivists
  2. Hey excellent more rain this week it's not we haven't had a metric pantload already
  3. Barry Diament seems to be a fan of the Pure Music plugin though I don't know if he has tried Amarra.
  4. Heh missed the 30 foot requirement The headphone adds another 8-9 feet in case your ethernet speaker cables still don't reach.
  5. The TakeT I'm sending you has 2 speaker wires, I think they're only about 4-5 feet though.
  6. I pity the fool who has to listen to this on CD SQ is great on vinyl, way more dynamic. Not a bad posthumous Jimmy album. Though it still has two tracks butchered at the hands of the monster Alan Douglas.
  7. Happy birthday! Hope it's filled with Stax goodies
  8. I doubt anyone cares about the former. And they are sold out in most countries. Elusivedisc got their last shipment from Japan with this current batch. x2
  9. Forbigger- another reason you might not see a proper review is the people that own them (other than HPA?) are veteran members and don't really do reviews because reviews are lame
  10. I'm not even accounting for reliability problems with the ESP950. Even with a BHSE they still retain their signature Koss sound which sounds like a slightly fancier Koss A250.
  11. couldn't agree more. I would take a SR-404LE over the ESP-950 as well.
  12. More Fantasy 45 Analogue Productions back catalog releases. But today I scored one of my holy grail items, a mono DCC Beach Boys Pet Sounds. Now about 4 shy of all the ones that I want to own (I think I have 6 or 7 DCC LPs)
  13. Well yeah that's because you're a Headfi celebrity like Skylab and HPA (and by association Blutarsky)
  14. Blarrgh I have been ruined by the XF2. And I don't even have any electrostats, just the horribly non linear TakeT and I can still tell this amp was just transformed :-/ Maybe it's time to put Elephas in "silent mode" on Headfi so people can stop reading his posts about them and keep prices moar sane
  15. I don't think the P1 has a glass platter (or I keep seeing places advertising the glass platter upgrade for it). The acrylic platter moves away from the "Rega sound" (which I like) to more bass and slower attack.
  16. The glass platter does sound better on the Rega P5 I heard vs the acrylic.
  17. Happy birthday you crazy guy
  18. Probably hard to say without seeing the schematic or actually listening to it. I thought the Micro ZOTL was a bit bass light and had too much gain when I heard it, but this was at a meet.
  19. finished Jefferson Airplane - Surrealistic Pillow (DCC vinyl)
  20. Unfortunately Imageshack has made the thumbnails I posted on another music forum unclickable, so these pics are tiny (I might have the originals on my desktop). This is all from 2001-2004. Grado SR-60, Sennheiser HD590 (shudder), Hercules Game Theater XP 7.1 And more "hi-fi" Stax SR-404, SRM-313, Bel Canto DAC-2. I believe this was just after the Grado HF-1 came out (2005?) (not pictured) Then I went to K1000/Aleph 30 after. Pics here.
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