Hey all, thanks again for the well-wishes and the questions! I figured I'd stop by and answer some of them.
First, the genesis of the name: it seemed like fun, and it was unforgettable. We knew some prospective customers wouldn't be able to get over it. Which is totally cool--there are plenty of amps on the market, many of them very good.
Second, on the topologies: you're reasonably close, but many of the details are different. I will say that there's no "magic" in the topology of either of our amps, and that there are no IC regulators . . . but I hope you won't be offended if we don't just give out the schematic, though. $249 is a pretty low price if you feel like reverse-engineering, and if you can make them and sell them for less, then hey, we'll have to get even more competitive. Everyone wins!
Third, I haven't heard our amps with the JH 13--I wish I was able to give you a better answer.
Finally, just another bit of info that might help everyone decide if Schiit is for them or not. We've been asked about special editions, higher end parts, tube rolling options, upgrades, etc. Unfortunately, what we have to do to keep costs low and build in the US is standardization. So, I'm afraid an Asgard will be an Asgard, a Valhalla will be a Valhalla, and there won't be any "Asgard Plus" or "Valhalla Ultra." This isn't a slam on companies doing customization, or on you guys who love to tweak and get the best out of your gear--it's just how we have to operate.
Of course, there will be a time to update the designs in the future, and (hopefully) to introduce new products. We're still trying to decide what to do next . . .