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Everything posted by levlhed

  1. levlhed

    Canjam 2010.

    Me too! Well, not your Crack, butt mine I'm the proud owner of the Speedball prototype Steve had with him @ CanJam. Loving it.
  2. levlhed

    Canjam 2010.

    yup. cheers.
  3. Yo hey, this is Dan. We met @ dinner Sat. nite @ CanJam?

  4. levlhed

    Canjam 2010.

    right, perhaps it was Jack (that's kind of like Frank isn't it?) Thanks.
  5. levlhed

    Canjam 2010.

    I rudely crashed dinner with some of you guys Saturday night. I got to talking to Frank for quite a bit, but I missed his screen name. Pretty sure his name was Frank anyway. From down south, way into Phish/etc and we had some things in common. If you're reading this and have any clue what I'm talking about please PM me.
  6. you mean like "jail bait"? I wouldn't know. I know bait when I see it though.
  7. My first post. I come to this forum via a cat I met @ CanJam but I never caught his screen name... Some good ones that fall somewhere within ambient and IDM (no particular order) Casino Versus Japan Ruxpin Deru Clark Tipper Nalepa Christ. Prefuse 73 (lots of different stuff) Ametsub Ror-Shak Want more?
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