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Everything posted by wink

  1. Had local headfier ask me to fix his Transistoramp MK3. It has a blown secondary winding in the transformer. 120V out instead of 330V and gets real hot real quick. Here's the thing, though - the volume control goes to 20.....
  2. You can get 100% pure Isopropyl Alcohol, but I don't know how it would go as a thinner. The methylated spirits we get is 95% ethyl alcohol, 4.5% methyl alcohol (supposedly to make it undrinkeable) and 0.5% bitter agent to give it that bad taste to stop you from drinking it.
  3. Works of art.
  4. It's Rasputin, and it's made of pure U238....... I'm waiting for the unobtanium one, but I'm sure I can't get it.....
  5. That is innovative and delightfully excessive....
  6. I like the boy, and TVR's as well. TVR's may be shoddily built, but they go like stink......
  7. Why not coat the knobs with a light coat of clear varnish/lacquer to lock the moisture in and prevent oxidisation?
  8. http://www.ebay.com/itm/SNAKEWOOD-11x3x2-5-Woodturning-Lumber-Pool-Cues-Peppermills-FREE-SHIPPING-/370582451258?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item56486f743a http://www.ebay.com/itm/SNAKEWOOD-10x3x3-Woodturning-Lumber-Pool-Cues-Knife-Gun-Grips-FREE-SHIPPING-/370582445885?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item56486f5f3d
  9. This place is getting scary......
  10. He definitely needs the Taket H2+
  11. What is not to love about Head-Fi..? You gotta be kidding. The entertainment value alone is priceless.
  12. . This has to be a GOOD thing.
  13. poach eggs.
  14. Wouldn't it be novel if instead of asking opinions, and getting a swathe of different opinions, we all just bought what we thought would do us, and change it if we didn't like it. Or, go to meets and listen to what's on offer and buy what we can that is closest to our ideal as dictated by our wallet. Ask any two head-fiers of their opinion of headphone X, and get three different opinions.
  15. My Taket is waiting............
  16. YMMV greatly.
  17. The DIYT3 ? or KGSS-SHV
  18. http://www.righteouswoods.net/snakewood.html
  19. Tasmanian blackwood, Redgum, Jarrah or Irombark......
  20. (Quote) and had 2 cracks by the time i got it home. (Quote). Those aren't cracks, they're features........
  21. Rodrigo, Stax connectors arrived safely. Many thanks.....
  22. Posted some photos at the other forum of a sunset on the 10th..... http://www.head-fi.org/t/256063/post-your-photography-here-2-new-dial-up-800x600-friendly/9375 Would post them here except i can't figure out how to do it. Must be "old-timers" getting to me.........
  23. Noted the flaw in the second pic at just below 3 o'clock. That's a conversation starter. Something for the nosy pedants to pontificate about........
  24. Looks like F2 only protects the meter lamp PL1 ( 6.3Vac @ 250mA) . Since lamps have a low resistance when cold the current rating is higher than the current drain when they are at operating temperature. Any 500mA fuse would work. The fuse part number XBA2F05NU100 is a Panasonic number. $4.51 each. http://www.ued.net/ued/viewItemAction.do?itemCode=MSCXBA1F05NU100
  25. Get the Bose, so that you can climb every step up the HiFi ladder to Staxland.... DR. Dre and Skullcandy await your sonic delectation......
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