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Everything posted by wink

  1. Sounds like a Stax 303 is in my future. Thanks for the info, John.
  2. I believe Deadlylover has his going and has sold his B22 and dynamic phones. I've almost completed my KGSS (cosmetic issues still to do). I have 4 sets of boards stuffed and 2 chassis ready to roll. Just need assembling and wiring, and more free time..
  3. Had a listen a few hours ago to the Sigma normal bias and O2MK1 and HE60 on my almost completed KGSS. The HE60 was the most addictive. I kept coming back to them to compare them to what the others were doing. The Sigma had the best bass, but lost out in resolving power to the other 2. After packing these two away and concentrating on the O2MK1, it took about 3 tracks to tune in to the sound. They are more melifluous phones than the other 2. I suppose the difference between the HE60 and the O2 is like the Grado RS1 and Senn HD600. One screams "Listen to me" while the other patiently waits for you to discover it's virtues. The Sigma seemed to distort at what I find a slightly uncomfortable volume.
  4. I used to use 2 litres of water to 250grams of coffee. Let stand for 24 hours, and then strain. Wonderful and smooth.
  5. A noble pastime.
  6. wink

    Hifiman HE-500

    " before I go off trying to make stupid jokes. " There's nothing wrong with stupid jokes except, well..... they're stupid. This will probably earn me another warning point....
  7. wink

    Hifiman HE-500

    "Can't be worse than the HD700 " Sad, but true. Some people like the HD700, but then again, some people like beats.
  8. wink

    Hifiman HE-500

    The HE400 seem to get good press over at the other forum. Consensus seems to be it has more articulate bass.
  9. The problem is with the description of the plug. "Bias Normal 6pin" This should be Pro bias. and should have a 5 pin plug. Normal bias is the old 230V bias before Stax went to Pro Bias at 580V. The reason for the pin number change is so that you can't plug the 6 pin plug into the 5 pin socket and blow the phones. Putting the 5 pin plug into the 6 pin socket will not damage the phones, but they won't work properly.
  10. Happy bath-day. Live long and prosper.
  11. http://www.tubecad.com/2006/09/blog0079.htm http://www.head-fi.org/t/195904/6x6-matrix-stepped-attenuator http://www.tubecad.com/2011/04/blog0204.htm
  12. There should be a ground connection. If it was a pot the output connection connects to the wiper that travels from the IN connection to the ground and acts as a voltage divider.
  13. How about the "Cheap and Cheerful"?
  14. I'm in for 4 pro, thanks.
  15. Am I allowed to ask the cost of these little pearls?
  16. It will be interesting to see the bunfight on the H-F forums over these. Entertainment is the name of the game....
  17. Sledgehammer. http://www.sledgehammeronline.com/
  18. Would Mikhail's Singlepower creations serve as a good/bad example?
  19. I considered John's B22 with both his and my HD800 the most crystal clear setup I have ever heard. It did not augment nor mute the treble peak of the HD800's. If there was a problem, it was with the phones, and not the amp.
  20. If we're talking about the chassis sockets, I'm in for some more. If it's a line plug, I wouldn't mind one to replace one on mye of my HE60's.
  21. Some of my happy snaps from H-F... http://www.head-fi.org/t/256063/post-your-photography-here-2-new-dial-up-800x600-friendly/9870#post_8396699
  22. $30,000 for horizontally opposed mass suicide......
  23. There's nothing about 1200V which is anything resembling amusing, except , perhaps watching the incendiary silicon hit the fan. I, for one, am all for it.....
  24. You want insults, try beats. On a serious note, how about Senn HD280. They isolate up to 30dB without noise cancelling. They are a bit fragile in build, though.
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