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Everything posted by wink

  1. King Sound don't seem to have any moral/ethical issues in that regard..........
  2. Or sell it at the other place and get a genuine Stax amp of any vintage.
  3. Best bet would be to stomp on and dump it and build a modded eXstaTa...
  4. Some on this site don't like newbies bumping 2 year old threads. Your last post has left some of us speechless too.
  5. "Beats by DrDre" should be called "Beats by BeatsMe" because it beats me why anyone who cares about what headphones should sound like would want Beats.....
  6. I knew Birgir would byte...
  7. The Loki Could be evil at worst, mischeivous at best. Birgir should give it an audition.
  8. Ignorance is not always bliss.
  9. Vikings are NEVER petite......
  10. Why try making a silk purse out of a sow's ear? Yeah, this team overkill, where no commercial product is safe from performance mods....
  11. Got mine today. Thanks again, Tran.
  12. If John wants to see which HP is better balanced, he should try listening to them whilst standing on one leg. Whichever one makes him fall over is either the one that goes out the door because the sound is unbalanced, or the one that he keeps because he's floored by it's performance. tread carefully, John.....
  13. But.... The BHSE is balanced.......
  14. Listen quieter....... tee hee
  15. Perfection for some..... Unobtanium for others..
  16. I haven't tried this, but am assured it works..... You mix borax powder with vanilla sugar. The vanilla sugar has to be the real deal and not immitation vanilla. The scenario is that the ants take the small grains back into their nest and the borax kills the whole colony. Apparently, the ants love the vanilla and sugar. Supposedly great for other denizens. For cockroaches, use vanilla sugar and plaster of paris. When the cockies eat the mix the gastric juices mix with the plaster of paris and sets in their stomach, blocking the works and killing them. Worth a try.
  17. Agent 007 for the win.
  18. I used to use an ink rubber in the day when I used valves. You used to be able to purchase a rubber/eraser that was half pencil eraser and half ink eraser. You could use a emery board for nails, steel wool etc. Deoxit and Deoxit Gold as a finish is excellent. Something like this, but a heck of a lot cheaper. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Faber-Castell-Natural-Rubber-Ink-Rubber-Eraser-X-5-Fountain-Pen-Typewriter-/221196935107
  19. Who's in for this gem...? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Battery-Tube-Only-Headphones-Amplifier-For-Sennheiser-HD-580-600-650-Beyer-DT880-/330993041075?pt=US_Pro_Audio_Amplifiers&hash=item4d10b8feb3
  20. I remember that way back in the '80's. Used to have a double pole switch with centre position on the amp chassis so you could lift the earth or insert the cap in circuit. One of the options usually solved the problem
  21. Your blood's worth bottling........
  22. Or, you could mount the traffo & regulator under the relay board.
  23. How about mounting the relay board on it's side? That may give you room for a small potted traffo & rectifier/filter board for the relay board.
  24. His name says it all.......
  25. Yippee, livewire is goin' live....
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