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Everything posted by wink

  1. Looks like an Orpheus on a vegetarian diet. Makes me feel Jaded.......
  2. I'm a neo-luddite, and I don't see much Kaizen in the changes I've seen in the last half century.
  3. Need it to drill the holes in the bread to put the raisins in for raisin toast....
  4. wink


    The real answer to the JPS Abyss. (which looks abysmal).
  5. But, but, they look better than the OEM cables. ergo, performance improvement.
  6. I was disappointed that Sennheiser didn't have a top line new offering at the show. I guess we will have to wait until later in the year for a supposed answer to AKG's K812.
  7. Bakery becomes small metal workshop?
  8. Guilt by association?
  9. There's also the problem that some who haven't heard a live orchestra/band have no real point of reference to guage what it should sound like. Hearing recorded material through cheap coloured headphones/speakers will set that as the standard of what things should sound like. I have a nephew who is a Beatles nut and he used to listen to his CDs through a cheap piece of musical furniture. One day he came over and I demonstrated some of my headphone collection for him. He remarked that the music on my system sounded very different to what he thought it should sound like. I told him to bring one of his Beatles CDs nex time he came over. He showed up with a Beatles CD, and I let him hear it through the HD800s and the expression on his face was priceless. He checked to see that the right CD was playing because he could hardly recognise the songs with the extra dynamic range and detail. The next time i saw him he said that he took the CD to a friend's place so that he could hear it on his friend's father's hi-fi setup because he couldn't believe the difference he had heard between his system and mine. He said that this friend's father's system sounded a lot more like mine than his. Eventually I got him a pair of reasonable speakers which transformed his low-fi unit into something more realistic and within his budget. The takeaway lesson here is that some peoply think that what they have is realistic, and it is only when they hear another system which is substantially better do they realise how deficient their present system is. Whether they are prepared to shell out for something better is a different matter.
  10. ... and so they should. In saying that one shouldn't be under the delusion that the whole set-up is high fidelity. Enjoy it for what it's worth, but remember what it is. At the moment, my most used headphones are:- Sennheiser HD600, AKG K702 and Beyerdynamic DT531. I specifically use these because I can listen to them and not be distracted and drawn into critical listening. I just want to hear what's there in broad brush strokes. If I want to pore over the "Mona Lisa" I pull out the HD800 ot the SR007 Mk11. Horses for courses.
  11. It certainly is a very crude filtering process. Reminds me of a set of shapes where you fit the square peg in the square hole and round peg in the round hole. The trouble is that if the pegs are substantiaiiy smaller than the holes, then any shaped peg would fit any shaped hole.
  12. Therein is the rub. True high fidelity is getting as close in the reproduction of the source material as possible. If the source material is sub-standard, it should sound sub-standard, and vice versa. It seems that a lot of the criticism of a sound system is misplaced and should be directed at the source material.
  13. Interesting summary of the flagship headphone landscape. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wi8M-HSeK0JF33P-5ypydQjQ4OshRQhvWM0IX2h0NQ8/edit?pli=1#slide=id.p
  14. You've just gotta love the brutality of the HD800.
  15. http://www.head-fi.org/content/type/61/id/934324/width/500/height/1000/flags/LL
  16. Try harder. The problem is usually the amp and source.
  17. Yours is pretty much like mine except it has more bass from that step up at 225Hz going back to 100Hz. Mine gains about 1dB to 100Hz in 3 slight steps whereas yours gains about 3.5dB in 3 more pronounced steps.
  18. The new Jecklin float with bass boost?
  19. Starving student run from an iPod using basic MP3 downloads.
  20. I feel both your pain and joy in successive instalments. I have never sold a headphone, but have given some away.
  21. You should really be thinking of this as having one less Grado to offload.
  22. Seems like it never left the drawing board.
  23. But.... but.... Stax has been running underspecced tubes from the start...... It sort of works. I guess that if Stax had done their amps right in the first place, there'd be no need for the KGBH, BHSE, DIYT2, KGSS, KGSSHV, etc.
  24. Yeah, you need to differentiate between the different Philips sizes, and also using philips screwdrivers to screw pozidrive or Torq-set screws. http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CEgQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FScrewdriver&ei=lRGPUqDsDcT-iAeNuIGgDQ&usg=AFQjCNGTvcN8acdkBOEuXPabdRCjNRpbOA&bvm=bv.56988011,d.dGI http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CEoQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FTorx&ei=eBKPUpnRPKmtiQfcyYHYBg&usg=AFQjCNEN_sTOiU_IqmDcF_PVIXQhiaFkqw&bvm=bv.56988011,d.dGI
  25. This just seems so wrong....................
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