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Everything posted by wink

  1. Perhaps, a change in listening material is indicated. btw, both my K1000's aren't as good as my HD800 stock. They fade further into the background with the anax mod and Blue Dragon cable. But, as usual YMMV etc etc.........
  2. Would that sound flat and boring?
  3. I get the jitters reading this. http://www.audiostream.com/content/qa-john-swenson-part-2-are-bits-just-bits
  4. So, everything past the sixth dot is overdrive........ gotcha.
  5. But, but...... the volume control only goes to 6......!
  6. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/New-High-Voltage-probe-40KV-DC-28KV-AC-1000Mohm-input-1000-1-4-multimeter-warran-/180775974394?pt=AU_B_I_Electrical_Test_Equipment&hash=item2a171675fa
  7. This might interest you, but its in Australia. http://www.leffler.com.au/?gclid=CPCoi5bJ1LwCFYnjpAodK0wACg But you are probably looking for this:- http://horween.com/leathers/
  8. Yep, makes a wonderful threadstop. So would the chassis if it were more wedge shaped.
  9. If you have a bottom garden, check for leprechauns, otherwise it's Ireland. For unicorns the problem becomes more problematical. Drop bears down here in the antipodes can be a problem for the unwary and can be mistaken for leprechauns. The larger drop bears even sometimes are taken for proof of the existence of yowies and bunyips. Sad, but not entirely true.
  10. I think my ESP 950's are better than my Stax 404LE, but that's my take. Your MMV.
  11. Was Gamera the parent of the teenage mutant ninja turtles?
  12. They're as rare as hens teeth.
  13. You would be greatly informed on the subject if you got in touch with chinsettawong and/or went to that other nefarious portal of all things headphone and look in their DIY section on building your own electrostatic headphone thread. I saw a doco recently which featued the red faced turtle. I represent that...!
  14. Should have held out for a pair of VAF DCX gen IV.....
  15. Horse feathers.
  16. I'd recommend the JPS Abyss or Sennheiser Orpheus. The Sony MDR R10 or Qualia O10 if you really want to compromise..... The choice is yours.
  17. http://seanolive.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/the-perception-and-measurement-of.html?m=1
  18. wink

    AKG K812

    Exracts bass and detail that's not in the original program material. That amounts to digital eisegesis.
  19. And, there were no Black Gates....
  20. At least the dude tried........
  21. Interesting read..... http://www.humblehomemadehifi.com/Cap.html
  22. I got mine by email.
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