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Everything posted by wink

  1. You need some ironbark.........
  2. wink


    btw, when's the Mjolnir Audio website gonna show more than the home page?
  3. http://www.sonicsense.com/blog I tried some different comparisons on this site. The AKG K702 vs Sennheiser HD650 was definitely revealing. They use a you-tube like linkand they play excerpts of the reference track and the headphone reproduction as recorded from their dummy head alternately. The 3 I listened to were The AKG K702 vs Sennheiser HD650, The Ultrasone ED8 vs Fostex TH900, and The AKG K812 vs Beyerdynamic T1 vs Ultrasone ED10 vs Sennheiser HD800. As I was using one of my HD600's that was connected to my computer, I found that in the first one the HD650 part sounded quite noticeably laid back compared to the reference portion of the comparison. In the second, the Fostex TH900 sounded richer than the reference portion, In the third, my HD600 were not filtering enough plankton to discern any real difference between the K812, T1 and HD800. What was very noticeable though was that both the Ultrasones sounded abyssmal, especially the ED10 in their respective tests. Happy comparing, dudes. btw, Tyll may find their method of setting up the headphones for the comparisons interesting..
  4. Head-Fi has migrated to another universe where all opinions are correct except the right ones.
  5. wink

    AKG K812

    His six-pack has turned into half a keg........
  6. To be color-free, they would have to be black.......
  7. wink

    AKG K812

    Yeah, but Patrick82 never used quantum foam cryo'd pure linear grained 9OCC to negate the effects of dark matter. That's the reason his rabbits continually attacked his "The Judge" power cables.
  8. Can you paint the anodising back on? chortle
  9. And, that would be amp-le.
  10. Or, they'll cost a liter of your blood and a kidney.
  11. That sounds like a good thing.....
  12. wink

    Audeze LCD-X

    There's his problem... He's too busy playing games to do a serious review.
  13. Promise away...... It will give you a welcome break fron all those KGSSHVs ........
  14. BEATS me.....
  15. Hush your mouth.......!
  16. Do it.......
  17. Must be some $400 lambskin earpads. I suppose Stax did the same with the 507 as to the 407 and, the AKG K712 as to the K702.
  18. Part-time audiophile - full time nut-case. What a waste of 5 minutes........................ I'll never get them back.
  19. If what is stated about the PM-2 is true, why get the PM-1? Brinkmanship, perhaps?
  20. Sure makes a statement.....
  21. Strain relief. Why does this fill me with nostalgia? I can't number the old radios and B&W tv's, etc I've repaired back in my younger days that had that charming coating of dust and detritus. It made me very grateful for the invention of the vacuum cleaner.
  22. I was talking capitalism, not corruption..... Wait, same thing. My apologies. I remember my younger sister going to Italy with her husband for their honeymoon. On their return flight, they booked the tickets and found on arrival at the airport that the seats were double booked and they needed to pay extra to make sure they got the flight. True entrepeneurial spirit at work.
  23. Capitalism at it's best..........
  24. wink


    So, when's the board run?
  25. Perhaps, if you bent the pic it could sound bright or laid back..... depending on the direction of bend.
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