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Everything posted by wink

  1. http://valvewizard2.webs.com/SRPP_Blencowe.pdf
  2. Yep, nothing like repetitive reinforcement.......
  3. Will it fit in an Altoids can?
  4. But, but, but aw! c'mon it's German engineering at it's best. Must be at least as good as the Luminaire & Verto when it's boxed and burnt up in...........
  5. OK, so, who's up for this little beauty...? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Audio-Valve-Board-PCB-Electrostatic-Headphone-Kopfhorer-Verstarker-Amplifier-DIY-/261924370799?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_77&hash=item3cfbe8b96f Must be a reeeeeel bargain.
  6. Nope, not true, I have warning points to prove my sense of humour is existent.
  7. And, for the more cultured,
  8. So, chlorophyll treated cables and cones would help protect the plankton detail in the music from any stray UV radiation present.......
  9. wink

    Oppo PM3

    Takes out the harshness and lubricates the electrons for a smoother euphonic and mellifluous sound presentation.
  10. Real humour time... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR_5h8CzRcI
  11. wink

    Oppo PM3

    ......and bathed in pixie tears.
  12. At least the color is not Chartreuse..... That would be confusing...
  13. Real pros use wire-wrap. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wire_wrap
  14. They work...?
  15. I had a listen to a JPS labs Abyss through a Yggdrasil DAC and both the Ragnarok and GSX MkII amps. The GSX Mk II was more neutral and exposed more plankton. The Rag was a (very) little sterile. When listening to fast paced music the Rag seemed to bop along very well. Listening to the same music through the GSX Mk II, you heard the extra detail in and in-between the notes. But, here, we are nit-picking. I would be happy with either amp - it's just that I would be more happy with the GSX Mk II. As ususal YMMV.
  16. I could be up for that if the inducement is right. I could do an eric65 over in the other forum and see how long it takes the black bird to lock the thread. " Mjolnir Audio - when you get tired of the US made Schiit " Could be a winner, right there
  17. It definitely works better when the subjects are both blind and deaf......
  18. In the quadruple blind test the funding entity doesn't know what he's paying for, or what to do with the results.
  19. All this rumour and innuendo is makingh me consider the AudioValve LUMINARE and VERTO as the only genuine STAX equivalents in existence. All these new fandangled designs and models are confusing. Stick to the known products, i say.
  20. Sound science strikes again. Find 2 blind audiophiles, and have at it...
  21. You could always mount the transformers on the sides..... inside sides that is..
  22. Make sure it's deadwood..................
  23. Happy Birthday
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