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Everything posted by wink

  1. You would need to get a suffix X instead of W, or a Suffix Z instead of Y i.e. 326X substituting for 326W https://www.bourns.com/pdfs/3296.pdf
  2. You could always put in a mu-metal shield over the transformer.
  3. Boards arrived safely in the antipodes. Thanks for all your effort in this GB.
  4. It seems always the norm at that forum, and that thread. Still, it's good for a laugh and the bunfights can be entertaining.
  5. http://sound.zol.com.cn/541/5410271.html
  6. Happy birthday. 4 dozen birthdays later, and still going strong.
  7. OK, so who's doing this? http://world.taobao.com/item/44186651831.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.Ktb2wD#detail
  8. Happy birthday.
  9. I noticed that the abyss was not commented upon, even in regards to the bass region. Bob Katz sure must have platinum grade hearing.......
  10. Is that a cutting remark..? btw, I have no skin in this situation.
  11. Soldering irons are at the ready..........
  12. That would be unlikely as I use CCleaner to clear out the cookies in my computer before shutting down, and usually come here first to catch up on the DIY thread. This problem has been plaguing me for a few days so far;. Edit: The issue seems to have corrected itself when I tried it just now. btw, I am using Firefox as my browser.
  13. How come every time I go from a thread to the Forums button next to the chat button I get thrown out and have to sign back in again?
  14. September 13th is the one to watch. Stock market crashes in 2001 and 2008.
  15. but - they're black delrin. that's gotta be worth a few brownie points. It would be interesting to see how they perform as far as insertion force goes. I also think the diagram of the dimensions is the one kevin posted here a while back. Should kevin sue for royalties?
  16. Go with a negative ion generator. The downside is that you will have a greasy patch where the ioniser is located that will need cleaning occasionally. depending on the amount of gunk in the air. Also, the better ones have a cleanable electrode in the unit.
  17. Hmmm, This dude doesn't know the difference between 5pin Pro and 6 pin normal sockets. Quote follows ebay linkie..... http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Stax-Pro-Earspeakers-Headphones-Socket-Jack-Chassis-Panel-Mount-Custom-Made-/181841836386?hash=item2a569e3962 edit. He has another ad for the 6pin socket here:- http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Stax-Normal-Earspeakers-Headphones-Socket-Jack-Chassis-Panel-Mount-Custom-Made-/181843948902?hash=item2a56be7566 He only has these 2 postings on ebay.
  18. Get well. bite the bug back......
  19. Some aussie motorsports...
  20. wink

    The Abyss

    I can see a Jecklin Float in your future.....
  21. Older ears can also have that effect.
  22. wink

    The Abyss

    I have my HD800 modded with the Anax mod that Tyll recommended. Having said that, I have stood behind a number of pianists playing a piano, and the treble was loud and bright, and at times uncomfortable - just like the HD800 reproduces the sound when close miced. As to the Abyss, they are very dependent on the fit. They go from very weak to overpowering in the bass depending on the fit. I have a bare noggin on the top thanks to genetics, but have had many years of wearing motorcycle helmets and hence have not had any trouble with headbands or headphone weight.
  23. wink

    The Abyss

    I heard an Abyss off both the GSX Mk II and Ragnarok with a Yggdrasil DAC. Properly adjusted, the Abyss was very good. SR-009 good, NOPE. Perhaps if the SR-009 was run off a Stax amp (T2 excluded). Not when the SR-009 was driven by a BHSE or KGSSHV.
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