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Everything posted by wink

  1. You lost 60 pounds...? Gee, I hope you find it......
  2. ....
  3. .... except one with the cups ripped off......
  4. verry 'spensive it is cause it come with respectful opinion and humongous street cred. It worthy of estimation and emendation to heed opinion of neophytes and iggerant posters becuz it doth give indication which alternatives to ignore and discount. it are perspicuous and perspicacious indication that veracity resideth elsewhere.
  5. A little more on the "sane" side.... https://au.pinterest.com/pin/323977766929990170/
  6. ........... shoulda got the YGGY.............
  7. One of the prime requisites to work with high voltage power supplies......
  8. wink

    Sony MDR-Z1R

    .... and, then it hit him....!!!
  9. I'll be 69 in less than a month....... and I never feel my age. I may feel younger or older at different times, but I'm glad i still feel my pulse......
  10. At 60 the drop-off is severe. You realise that gravity is not just a nuisance, but a force to be reckoned with. Yep, the only jumping you can do is jumping to conclusions....... else it leads to concussions........
  11. Steam-punk retro-cool for the win....
  12. Once you're over 60, it's all downhill
  13. Didn't sound too bad from my RS220 fed off a Xonar STX sound card.......but, as usual YMMV.......
  14. If Justin is already aware of your problem, how did he become aware of it...? Use the same method to contact him for a schematic.... zimple..!
  15. Does diarrhoea give you a liquid midrange....?
  16. Distortion is still just that - distortion. Gimme wire with gain.............
  17. wink

    Sony MDR-Z1R

    Wow....... that recabling of your SA5000 must be magic. My SA5000 are so sharp, like a scalpel I keep checking my eardrums for cuts and scar tissue..... They leave the AKG K701's looking like blunt butter spatula
  18. wink

    Sony MDR-Z1R

    Always glad to help....
  19. I stood out in a field once, and the cows trod on my corn......
  20. Nothing wrong with functional design.......
  21. Forget the DSD, Get the YGGY..........
  22. This MUST be the place for you.... https://schiit.com/
  23. I wuz interested, until you mentioned astrogoof. On a much more important note, what are all you uber-audiophiles gonna do with this breaking news.....? https://integrate-expo.com/audio-broadcast/goodbye-old-friend-will-missed/ Myself, I am substantially less than devestated........
  24. But.... but ... it's a whole system......... But can it match an M50 with a ODac and amp....? Deisions, decisions..... May still hold out for something vintage like an original iPhone and Monster Beats.......
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