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Everything posted by eggil

  1. Gorgeous amp!
  2. Ujamerstand, I think I want 3 pcb's instead of 2 if that is possible. Thanks!
  3. I'd like 2 pcb's if possible.
  4. I am interested too. Thanks.
  5. Sigma 404 on its way to Montana
  6. if you want to test the Sigma 404 let me know
  7. I'd like 1 six pin. Thanks
  8. Thank you Kerry and Ujamerstand for finding that out. And just to clarify. I wanted to use a 500V PSU, my understanding is that it's Ok to use it for the onboard version,as long as I don't use the sa1968's, but that it will run a little hot. Is This assumption correct?
  9. I'd like 4 if possible.
  10. All the 2SA1486's I tested were good, with a VBR in the 700 range. The 2SA970BL's however have numbers that jump all over. The may test initially at 40-60, then go up to 170-190 for a fraction of a second and then go to 1. Not sure why. EDIT: my bad, if I go to 1000V they (2SA970BL) test fine at 200-210. I guess testing them at 200V is not enough.... I got both from bdent. Everything I have tested from them has been good so far.
  11. Actually the only ones left are the ones mentioned in the spreadsheet from cancelled orders from wedge and mypasswordis, minus the one you want me to send arthur b. https://docs.google....&hl=en_US#gid=0
  12. emooze and krypticmind shipping tomorrow. Sorry, long workday, could not do it today. wedge and my passwordis did not answer back. Lil Knight will decide what he wants to do with those boards.
  13. For those of you included in shipment CP8660092289VN: Several people still have not provided enough information for PP invoice or shipping. 2 haven't answered at all. I am trying to send all packages this week. The ones that don't will be for lack of information. If not already done so, please PM me your name, PP and shipping address. https://docs.google....nlhVnc&hl=en_US EDIT 9/23: all PP invoices sent, shipped all paid so far.
  14. Please PM me your PayPal address if your name is included in Conus shipment # CP8660092289VN. (Highlighted names in red in the spreadsheet) https://docs.google....&hl=en_US#gid=0 I will start shipping this week and first need to send the PP invoice to you. Included will be the cost of shipment from Lil Knight to me (455/24= $18.96) plus shipping from me to you, including shipping materials. I will add the cost of insurance via USPS. The following shipments are larger and don't fit in a bubble envelope: Digger945, DouglasQuaid, Ceetole, Nebby, Driftwood and Blubliss. They will probably have to be boxed.
  15. A big package arrived today. Working long hours this week but will start sorting the boards and shipping as soon as I can. No payments until they are ready for shipping. Thanks Tran!
  16. I want to make sure the KGSSHV boards don't break during shipment. Would the Kraft bubble envelopes by themselves be safe enough?
  17. I think your name is in my shipment although I have not received it yet. Your number in the spreadsheet is the same as mine.
  18. Tracking is now available at the USPS site for CP8660092289VN: https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input?qtc_tLabels1=CP860092289VN&qtc_senddate1=&qtc_zipcode1=
  19. If enough interest for testing, I have a pair of Sigma/404 I'd be willing to loan.
  20. Lil knight just shipped me the boards.. Will keep you updated. "Alrite, just dropped the box at the PO. 68lbs. Shipping cost $455. Total of 27 people in the list, you can just divide equally the shipping cost for them. There should be 1 KGSSHV onboard spare set, let me know if this is correct when you receive the package. Tracking number is CP8660092289VN. It will show up on usps.com after a couple of days. Should take 8-9 days to arrive. Thanks Tran"
  21. For those who will email me, I'll be happy to send you my email, address and phone number. Lil Knight is putting a lot of work on this and he deserves some help.
  22. Lil Knight, just ask if you need help.
  23. I live in SoCal. If you need Help You could send me several boards for mo to then Ship individually. The shipping charges would be a little higher (from your address to mine and from mine to everybody else's but I am available if needed, I rather deal with CONUS if at all possible. Another option woud be money order which I would be willing to send you without second thoughts. Please let me know if I can help.
  24. Please count me in for 2 KGSSHV sets. Thank you very much.
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