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Everything posted by eggil

  1. Well Justin, all I can say is, I've been very happy to help you reduce your inventory
  2. Justin, any news on the 1486s?
  3. Yeah, it did.
  4. I used Kapton tape and raised the caps a couple of millimeters in my ongoing build as recommended by jwzhan and Spritzer. Looks ugly but no problems so far. Just need to send the panels to FDP when I get the time to do it. On another note, I regret selling my KGSSHV and 007 Mk1, but they went for a good cause: the 009's. This one is not going anywhere, since currently don't have anything other than the SRD7 Mk2. The exstatas are long gone, and are not missed.
  5. Well , Spritzer and Schubert are right. The Pessante 2U is a tight fit Only 10 mmm clearance from the heatsinks to the top cover, which means 6-7 mm risers at most. I am thinking on applying some sort of insulating material to the bottom cover as well, without obstructing the vents. For the top, I purchased the one with the vented covers, like Schubert's. All boards are up and running, with balance at +- 0.3V and offset at +- 0.5V, temperatures in heat-sinks between 49-54 centigrades, higher in the amps than the PSU. Very stable and easier than my first KGSSHV, which took me forever to adjust. Ranges in the first build where +- 1V for balance and +- 3V for offset. This one also has the IXYS parts. Reserving the 1968's for the Megatron. Now comes the hard part.
  6. I could not find if the 105 allows for DSD from USB sources.
  7. Check with DigiKey. Schubert, that is a very classy build. Congratulations!
  8. Those are very nice amplifiers. Congratulations to both!
  9. I have a few fqpf8n80c. How many do you need? Shoot me a pm.
  10. Does that mean you will have more time to design amplifiers?
  11. It may be hard to compare to the T2 unless you get more tubes Nevertheless, it will be interesting to hear your comparison. Congratulations!
  12. Milosz just bought a B&K 501A curve tracer which I guess could help sort this out?
  13. That really sucks. How can we continue to build as some parts become more and more scarce? Megatron it is then!! I already started the hunt for that build.
  14. Great, Thanks
  15. I'd like to buy 3 of each (PCB's) if you don't mind.
  16. Spritzer, will you any boards for sale for the latching switches?
  17. I really wish more people would try doing this instead of describing how liquid their amplifier sounds
  18. Amp board #1 powered on without any problems. Now to stuff board #2.
  19. Thank you Justin. Spritzer, did you use a latching switch in your build?
  20. Sometimes farts are good, this one being a good example.
  21. Yes
  22. Justin, any news on the 2SA1486's you were selling? By the way, thank you for the SR-009
  23. That sounds like a pain. I would just leave the balanced XLR connectors. Why don't you just use an XLR to SE cable?
  24. That explains why I could not find the trimmers!
  25. Yes, the onboard version. The off board is very nice but big, about 30 lbs. I sold it and the 007 Mk1 so I could afford the 009. This one however is mine to keep. I think my wife will be happier with a smaller amp if I can pull it off. 80C? I am surprised. My understanding is it should run in the 60'sC. I am using the IXYS parts. I want to reserve the 1968 for the Megatron.
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