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Everything posted by eggil

  1. Keep the KGSSHV's coming!
  2. Mine never worked. Poor workmanship. Too lazy to fix it, but I may try
  3. Any idea of cost?
  4. No PSU included with the Dinahi? Is PSU included with Megatron?
  5. KGTT? BH? Megatron?
  6. Boy, they are small. Now I want one for my office!
  7. My goodness. That is art
  8. Correction: I didn't do squat besides helping distribute some of them. Kevin and Birgir are the great guys behind this. LilKnight is the driving force on making the boards. I am very thankful for the wonderful sound coming out of my build.
  9. What an amazing job! How does it compare size wise with the compact version Spritzer is building?
  10. Does anybody have any BH boards they would like to get rid of? I am thinking on building one, since the Megatron project appears to have slowed down.
  11. Audiogon has one now x 3750.00 USD. that's crazy. http://app.audiogon.com/listings/amplifiers-krell-ksa-5-headphone-amplifier-2013-06-03-headphones-10598
  12. Congratulations S_R! It's not the alpha pot. I had a similar problem with my offboard build unit a goldpoint. There was a hum with the knob turned all the way down and only with the first step. Dead silent afterwards. Could not get rid of it. With my onboard build and using he alpha pot, it's dead silent.
  13. Silly me. Missed the previous images you and Kevin had posted earlier in this thread. Thanks
  14. Beautiful knobs! Kevin, would you mind posting the mini PSU schematics and board? Also the new amp section with SMD's Spritzer mentioned.
  15. Birgir, I am interested on this ^
  16. emooze, I have 2 or 3 PSU's from the first board run. You would have to PP lil-knight directly if you want one and I'd be happy to ship you one if you need it. Enjoying troubleshooting?
  17. So, what caused the arcing then? Shipsut, let us know how the other components test
  18. Yeah, panhead would be better. That snapping cracking sound must have been disturbing... That 50k is in the negative rail though. I am not sure I follow how only that resistor blew, just by its little self.
  19. non insulated parts need insulation (i.e. 4171G ceramic pads) plus thermal paste.
  20. It looks like if they stepped on poop.
  21. Are you building a power plant? Send them to Kevin so he can design a bigger amp!
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