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Everything posted by eggil

  1. You don't need a US dealer. Just buy directly from them.
  2. Thanks Birgir, I suspect is something minor.
  3. OK, more troubleshooting questions: I was asked to look at my first build because it won't start: After I replaced the burned fuse, it does start briefly, the led's turn on and then the relay clicks it off. The replacement fuse is not burned. I am thinking it could be the relay or the e24 not the toroid neither the PSU and maybe bypassing both to see if that is the case.
  4. Emooze, great build!
  5. Are they from Sumr?
  6. Not sure. They have no ID numbers but have 4 and 5 pins. I'll post a picture when I bring it home. I am excited because this could be a unique and very cool looking amp.
  7. My father in law was going to take this radio to the goodwill. It is a GM 150A (I didn't know General Motors made radios in the 1930's). I am thinking on using it as the case for my Megatron build. It needs a lot of work, refinishing the wood and gutting everything out. The amp/tubes would be where the turntable is, and could close the lid when not in use. The power supply and Stax jack will go where the radio dials are. It is quite heavy, and would be a real challenge to take it to meets
  8. I don't think I will ever sell an amp again. Somebody bought my off board built (it has gone through 3 hands I think since I sold it) and is having problems with the fuses blowing. He doesn't live close to home. No idea if anybody else opened it or tinkered with it. It could be the transformer, a short somewhere.... who knows.
  9. Yeah, my Khozmo has done duty as a door stop. It never worked and had to open a PP dispute to get my money back because he never bothered answering my emails. I guess he didn't want his doorstop back . Kevin, fixing them sounds like a lot of work.
  10. And don't forget Crank Cooter, a real master in PTP.
  11. Almost there! I listen to mine most days.
  12. Is Cavalli going the way of the DoDo? Sounds like is beginning to unravel. DefQon, you have been banned at HF. Can I have your autograph?
  13. Pictures!
  14. I think Cavalli is beyond redemption. And I think headfi is all screwed up with their censoring and protecting a bad company that is selling bad stuff to credible gullible customers. In a sense, headfi is perpetuating the problem. Sorry Arnaud; there is no way around that.
  15. Aaaaaand good riddance too! See you on head-fi
  16. Very nice Birgir.
  17. Headfi doesn't care because they have a steady supply of newbies and sheep, so if more experienced users get tired and leave, it is not a big loss anymore. It is a never ending meat grinder. And it is a business, not a hobby for honest conversations.
  18. Oldies comments are eerily similar to certain moderators from the other site. Or one of Cavalli's famous fans, also from the other side. Or just a stupid ignorant fool who would buy the London bridge twice, even if it did not meet safety standards.
  19. X2 DefQon, how many beers did you have before you posted that comment?
  20. Congrats Emooze. Of course, we are waiting for some obligatory pictures.
  21. Repeat: Here, any stupid comments you make, will remain for posterity.
  22. Sorry to hear that! My trafo is 15-0-15 with 25V caps and running without problems. Nopants is 16-0-16, I imagine also with 25 caps. Do you think it could be something else? Prior to this you mentioned you had a problem with blowing fuses OTOH, I may increase the caps to 35 V instead of 25: http://www.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?R=EEU-FC1V331Lvirtualkey66720000virtualkey667-EEU-FC1V331L http://www.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?R=EEU-HD1V332virtualkey66720000virtualkey667-EEU-HD1V332
  23. Head-Case doesn't delete posts. Head-fi does. Its tireless moderators won't stop until they delete something deemed politically incorrect.. Here, any stupid comments you make, will remain for posterity. Unfortunately.
  24. Those resistors are capacitor size
  25. I am still very unhappy with head-fi. Its really sad they DGAF about a regular folks and rather keep Cavalli happy.
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