I've recently purchased myself some budget Sennheisers and Rolands (HD 212 pros and the RH-200s) for my PC / Drum kit, and decided to plug both in to my sound card. The Rolands blew me away despite their flat, monitor purpose and the 212 pros were nice for bassy music, but not so great for gaming. If Roland RH-200's can blow me away, I want to fork out more and get something better!
I've decided I was to go a few notches up and grab a pair of medium range headphones for gaming.
From what little I know of specs, I see that the Denons are only 20 Ohms, presumably meaning I'd not need a canamp for them, but definitely for the 650's?
I understand that open headphones have a better sound-stage, but that the Denons are, considering they're closed, quite decent in stage. I live in a large share house where noise is always an issue, screaming babies and annoying 2 year olds are ever present, all I'd like to hear is the mushy sound it makes when I shoot someone in the head in Battlefield as bullets whiz past sounding directionally accurate.
Your recommendation and reasons for them would be well received, I make the big buy in 2 days.