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Everything posted by volcomjerk

  1. I like my 580s cause I got them new for 125 shipped
  2. Dear god your HR Portable has been breached! What the hell did you do? haha
  3. So my Alessandro's are on majorrrr back order and I won't be getting those for awhile and my ears are curious about the ATH sound. Are there any entry level Audio Technicas that you would recommend to see if I would like their sound or not? Nothing expensive and I'd want to be able to have the ability to return them if I have to. Any suggestions?
  4. I have the 200 dollar HD DVD player for the 360 and wow... its like putting on a pair of glasses. I also do the Netflix renting since they are still too expensive. I also don't want to get stuck in a format but I do believe HD DVD will in fact come out on top.
  5. Ah Crutchfield forgot about that place. Good prices thanks!
  6. Do you know a good place to get that done for those products? I love Rockford Fosgate and totally forgot about them. My Uncle had a pair and they are amazing. I think I gotta find some rat shack place that does installations Best Buy and Circuit City are expensive.
  7. I actually found out later its not a big deal that i know the admin password because the admin was letting lots of people know what it is. Our IT department sucks. They are slow and can never get anything done on time. So I took matters into my own hands. However few months later the IT guy called me and told me to install so and so software and just gave me the password anyway haha.
  8. Well I don't use to collect credit card numbers or anything. I'm like Robin Hood... I'm just using the password for good. All i wanted was iTunes installed on my computer and I'd rather pay 40 bucks for a USB Keylogger than pay for perhaps another laptop or computer. I haven't used it for anything else... yet...
  9. *sigh* Now that I think about it, I don't want to sign up for another forum and get all caught up in buying things. Maybe I'll just make it simple and go to Best Buy and buy some MB Quartz and some decent amp and call it a day haha anything is bound to be better than my stock speakers.
  10. Hey guys looking to get some decent speakers and an amp for my car. I have a nav system built into my car so I don't want to touch that. Any experts here?
  11. iTunes uses quicktime to decode music files and quicktime is considered to be one of the best sounding decoders. Back in the days of winamp 2 craze, quicktime was considered to sound the best. I don't know what player takes the throne for that now.
  12. I bought a usb keylogger and had the admin run a couple things. Then viola! Admin password. Suckers.....
  13. Plus how can you forget the CoverFlow feature and album cover retriever built in? iTunes is great if you can live without having the hardcore audiophile quirks such as FLAC and support for OGG. Other than that it really is the best one out there.
  14. This is how I feel about your suggestions Seriously $129... best advice ever thanks.
  15. I have never even thought to think of the AEX as a USB DAC... amazing... my mom has one, my dad has one and it would be the last piece of equipment I would think to have decent qualities.
  16. So wait... you are saying that a WIFI Extender / Hotspot Plug / iTunes Extender sounds better than my iPod as a DAC? This is getting very bizarre... in a good way.
  17. Wait... you're kidding right and yes I am starting from iTunes. I have no problem getting an Airport Express at all if this is true. Even better than a Micro DAC? I'm hoping for warmth since the GS Lites might lack in that department.
  18. I just ordered the Black SE Lites with the DPS. However, now I'm in the market for a good USB DAC Source around the 300 dollar range. Is the Micro DAC as good as it gets?
  19. You don't think it's overkill with an iPod?
  20. Hey guys, wanted to ask you for some advice. I'm about to make an amp purchase and I've always wanted to hear some of Justin's amps. However now I'm stuck in one of those am I making the right decision by spending this much money for the source that I have. What's my lame source? An iPod with Lossless codecs going through line out. I know its not the greatest source but it's also very hard to match the convenience of an iPod. This is mainly for office use so I'm not in the market for a portable amp anymore. I'd rather invest the money into something a little more solid. So I guess my main question is... Is the GS-1 overkill for the iPod or should I just stick with the Gilmore Lite? Also remember I can later upgrade to a better source. I was thinking more of a USB source rather than a tricked out modded cd player.
  21. Ken, sellers aren't actually overcharging you for shipping. Most sellers try to get the price really low because they know ebayers sort the listings by price so their listings show up first on top when sorted from cheap to most expensive. The item probably actually costs 5 dollars so really they just switched it around. What eBay needs to do to fix this is put what you would be paying out the door with shipping + item price so people can sort that way.
  22. I own 5 and they ROCK the hell out of many many systems for the same price or more. Although, I'm not driving them with a 1500 dollar amp =P
  23. http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?cgiurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Fws%2F&fkr=1&from=R8&satitle=2.5+mm+3.5+mm+adapter&category0=
  24. Now I don't feel bad for the sweat shops anymore.
  25. Hot girls included?
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