Too late! I ordered my JH16s today, sending out my impressions this afternoon!
I am tired of doing the mid-fi thing and always wondering about and lusting over the high-end stuff. I have (had) the money, so why not.
Now, whether or not to tell the wife...
Thanks for the info guys and thanks for that link aardvark baguette, that is exactly what I was looking for! I too may be in the club shortly. I have a great audiologist in my area who does impressions for $25 for both ears. I think I am going to go the JH16 route as I really like my bass.
Thanks for info guys. I will post my impressions (no pun intended) once I get them.
Guys, new member here. I had my UE 10s reshelled into customs a few months ago and I was thinking about stepping up to the JH13s or the JH16s. I also own a pair of Denon D5000s, which I love. Would the JH13/16s be a huge upgrade from my's? I am just leery of spending that much on something that may not be a huge upgrade over my current setup.