I used your hint to search the HF stax thread again and found some more details/discussion from page 610 to 615... I think I should try some mk2 pads.
For an even cheaper solution head off to ebay (or possibly dealextreme).
I was too lazy to snipe properly the week before so I ended up with 10 auctions worth of cable ties. Evidently there are a lot of fluoro pink ones but whatever... it only cost about $5 in total for that whole lot shipped.
From the pics it looks like these new SR-507s have the 404LE cable and earpads... looks like the leather lambda earpads will remain on sale - that makes me happy!
I dont really like the chrome button on the side.
Hey, I use to put salt on watermelon as a kid... havent done so for a while. I use to also eat a lot of the white part.
We put salt or chilli salt on lots of fruits - green mangoes, granny smith apples, and all sorts of tropical fruits I have not idea what they're called in English.
Sympathy - a bit. Has anyone else watched his factory tour vid; I dont know how he can live like that.
Can't wait for a pic of his CocoPowerXtrem i.e. $1M power cable.
How much did your unit cost??
I noticed a SRM-Monitor with a pair of SR-Lambda Pros sold for 535euros on ebay last month. Looks like a someone got a good steal...
Yeh, looks pretty nice and cheap for made in the US stuff but the company name doesnt give me much confidence, not to mention the guy's H-F username is SchiitHead... so far he's begun all this posts with something like
I kinda knew that, but I'm dumb so I never got around to finding out what the words "diffuse-field equaliser" meant.
Anyway, I stopped being lazy and did a bit of reading; sounds awesome!