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Everything posted by DigiPete

  1. Is that Panasonic FM/FC's ?
  2. The newly SACDmodded 3910 just came in Friday afternoon Listened a little - it sounds very nice so far through my newly recabled K701s now have it burning in for 9 days, while I am on vacation. I'll check back in next weekend.
  3. Hmmm... do you have the latest firmware 6609-E installed? Not sure if you have the same problem I noticed, but I seem to recall some SACD hiss when connecting via D-Link to my 3805 receiver when I first upgraded to 6609-B firmware, but have not heard that lately, (I have the 6609-E region free).
  4. Too bad that comparo will have to rely on my audio memory... The Denon PSU is not too great, but I think Matthew does what is necessary to clean it up. I may do more mods to the PSU myself, like bigger caps and hexfreds.
  5. Thanks for your suggestions you gave me at the LA meet http://photo.head-fi.org/showphoto.php?photo=11286&ppuser=19721 http://photo.head-fi.org/showphoto.php?photo=11287&ppuser=19721 http://photo.head-fi.org/showphoto.php?photo=11288&ppuser=19721
  6. Not sure if this has been mentioned, but I like how if you hover the mouse over the title of a post, it lets you read the first few lines in the post, so you can get a feel if you want to open the post or not. Pete
  7. With my recabled K701s and the modded Denon, it will be like listening to a brand new (a hopefully way better) system. I sold my Zapfiltered and clock E5 to a headfier, who thinks is easily competes with / or even beats his Meridian G08. I'll be happy if the Denon does that well on redbook. Now I can't wait to hear what SACD and DVD-A will sound like (post mods)!!
  8. Well, I took the plunge last night and recabled my K701s. My first DIY recable I used Mogami 2534(4-conductor, 24ga. neglex copper). I stripped off the jacket and copper shield, and then threaded that into 9' nylon multi-filament techflex. I'll post pics when I get home from work. Initial impressions is that the treble is a bit cleaner and more pronounced (less rolled off) than stock. Overall a good thing IMO, since I used to have DT880s, and I did not like that the highs were a quite a bit more recessed in the K701s. This seems to be a good middle ground between the two cans. Pete
  9. My SACDmods 3910 is on its way back I had Matt replace all the caps on the DAC board with Blackgates (FWIW).
  10. Thinking about recalbing my K701s... Any suggestions for a good 4-condutor cable? \ I will be running it balanced. How does Mogami 2534 rate? Thanks Pete
  11. The E5 was really easy to do. The 3910 requires opamp surgery which I am shying away from. But I will probably do what you suggest, just to improve things a bit in the PSU. If it sounds as good as the E5 or better, I will be a happy camper. Pete
  12. Well after talking to Matt Anker at length about APL's proposed mod to my 3910, I have decided to go with SACDmods
  13. Interesting looking clock. I wonder when it will be available? I thought the Zapfilter sounded amazing in my E5. Not sure what another topology could do better?
  14. Well I asked what he 'heard' from the Zapfilter that he didn't like. He stated the new MKII is improved over the older version, but 'too many parts'. He really did not answer my question about issues with the sound. Matt Anker also wrote back to me that he did not see how the APL clock is better than using an XO3 clock. Since the APL clock has one crystal (not six) and uses a clock generator, just like the Denon 3910 does (and likely the same chip as the Denon). Now this is getting confusing. Lots of contradictory opinions.
  15. I will talk to him some more, and see what can be done. I don't think he likes the Zapfilter, so I am skeptical about the possibility that he will do all but the output stage. Maybe he will build a balanced output stage for me. We'll see \ Pete
  16. Thanks tkam, I am trying to find out more about the output stage, the description is not too informative. One thing is it will not be balanced This is kinda bumming me out since I built a dynamite and used it with my Zapfiltered E5 to much enjoyment.
  17. Hi Folks, This is my virgin post here at Headcase I just sold my Zapfiltered E5, and now am eyeing a mod for my 3910. Alex at APL suggested one of his mods: General PSU mods Add new transformer and linear PSU w/reg. for the digital section Custom clock to replace all 6 clocks on the 3910 Bypass DSPs for best digital to the DAC (loose source direct i.e. SACD>172khz PCM, no: bass management, time alignment, level controls on FL,FR) Double DACs (one 1796 per channel) (loose MIX L R outputs) Analog stage mods with SE mosfet buffer output stage. He says this will kill very respectable $10k vinyl rigs... All for $1xxx Anybody have experience with this type of mod? Cheers, DigiPete
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