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High Rollers
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Everything posted by DigiPete

  1. DigiPete


    Yup - I have the german version... I'll keep looking for the english version.
  2. DigiPete


    I love that song! The german version definitely sounds better to me. Let me look, I think I may have it....
  3. Hi Ken, I did the work myself. Originally I had reterminated the stock cable. Then I redid the whole thing with mogami quad neglex copper, and left it going into the left ear cup. The one-sided entry is fine, don't really have a preference either way. The mogami made the 701s a little bit brighter, much more resolving in the highs, more transparent and more neutral sounding all around. Highflyin9 does nice work. I had some 880s redone by him, for very reasonable prices. Pete
  4. Let us know if that feeling lasts I wish....
  5. That's a massive power cable 909 has hooked up to his Apollo
  6. It was easy to install as it fit with the same mounting holes and hardware that the X03 has. The connector has a cable which you have to strip the leads on, and solder two of them to the existing +15v wire, and then also find a ground to connect the other two leads to. As for sound, it is hard to say. I think the highs got a little smoother, I can now listen to the K701s and they don't seem to have that bit of glare that I noticed after the recable. Is that the clock, or maybe break-in on the K701 cable -- who knows?? Matt gave me an awesome trade-in for the X03, so I figured I had almost nothing to loose. PM me for the details. Pete
  7. The clock is in!! Sounds very good. Had a mini-meet at my house yesteday with 909, Iron Dreamer and Edwood. The 3910 was definetly on par with the Stello 220, IMHO. A bit more full in the bass/mids, so I thought it sounded a bit nicer. I punted on the hexfreds. Since the switching transistor is after the diodes, and it introduces tons of noise, I doubt that there is any pay off to putting the hexfreads in, and I didn't have the time to do it before the meet. Extra capacitance can slow down the power supply, so I hestitate to add more than the 3000uf that Matt put in. I am very happy with the unit as is. I may just call it quits a this point... or maybe not Perhaps a hi-perf regulator might be an improvement??
  8. Well, I am upgrading the clock in my SACDmods 3910 to this one: http://www.newclassd.com/index.php?page=20 Tomorrow I open it up and put in hexfreds as well. I have been toying with the idea of different regulators to replace the stock ones in the audio section of the psu.
  9. Easy: Build yourself a Dynamite for $1K
  10. The B52??? I heard it, it was rather decent, certainly not the even close to the worst I've heard
  11. I agree with you: it is too high of a price, but that problem is self-correcting
  12. Its called a free market economy. If the price is too high no one will buy. I think head-fi's rules about selling are idiotic. I guess if you pay them protection money like the commerical vendors (do they pay?), then they would let you make money too, as long a head-fi gets their cut.
  13. Yup!! Just want to make sure I buy one with 4-conductors...
  14. Cool ! Thanks for the info.
  15. Can the popular replacement cables be reterminated to balanced, (i.e are they 4 condutor all the way to the plug)? Like Equinox, Blue/Silver Dragon, Zu mobius, Cardas etc? Cheers Pete
  16. Yeah, stick with the Dynahi Sorry, had to say that
  17. Quite amuzing
  18. Nate, How do you splice in new wire to the 650 connector? Do you have to cut the connector apart, or do you just connect to the wires coming out of it? New 650 onwers whan to know Pete
  19. Yeah, I'm running my system through a monster HTS2000 MKII power strip. Actually the power in my area is fairly clean... but the ever present threat of a power spike makes me use a surge suppressor.
  20. I got a little too zealous when I got my system backup after the source and headphone mods and now the tinnitus has flaired. I will definitely reterminate the 650s to balanced. In the mean time I am listening to nothing for a week or two, hoping the tinnitus will calm down again... crap... the errors of my youth :'(
  21. Well, After upgrading my Denon 3910 with the SACDmod + adding few extra blackgates around the dac for good measure, and recabling my K701s with mogami quad, now my system is quite a bit brighter, mostly due to the recable. 909 thought something was off with the recabled K701s which are now fatiguing. Iron_Dreamer and I also thought the high freqs sounded fatiguing when listening to Tylls recabled (cardas) K701s at the So Cal meet. I dismissed it as bad cable (cardas), but now that my K701s have the same problem with the mogami, I think AKG used the cheap-ass wire they did, to tame the highs and cover up the deficiency in that area. Now my tinnitus is flairing up (high pitch in the right ear), when I listen for a short time (1-2 hours) After spending some time at 909's place this weekend and listening to his HD650s through my rig, I realized that my ear can go much much longer with his cans than with mine with no fatigue. So I dutifully ordered some HD650s Now, I understand that I can tame the very high frequencies in my system 2-4 db by upping the 33pf caps in my Dynamight to 50-75 pf. This might allow me to possibly keep the K701s. Any thoughts on whether this is a good solution? Would there be a downside audio wise? Or I can keep the HD650s, leave my amp alone, reterminate the 650s to balanced, and be done with it -- is one ever done Thoughts? Pete
  22. Just got her Modern Cool Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs SACD Now I get what SACD can really do This sounds so good... you are right there! The soundstage... the transparency... yikes!! Any one else have other MFSL or Patty Barber SACDs?
  23. Dude, I truly feel for you! :'( :'(
  24. I found that recabling my K701s with mogami quad really got rid of alot of the roll off in the high frequencies. So if you like the treble roll off of the stock K701s, beware It is a nice upgrade and brought the sound signature closer to what I like (more neutral and transparent). Pete
  25. Well after 275 hours of burn-in, here are some quick impressions: The treble now is very well intergrated with the other frequencies, not harsh but just right. Was a tad brighter than I liked, at first. Will listen to some brighter recordings to see how they fair. Tons of detail, very transparent. I can now hear the 'mic', if that makes any sense Great soundstage. The modded CD-E5 might have been a slightly more 3D here (going on memory), but the E5 does have a dedicated CD clock frequency which results in a bit lower jitter, which could help. Redbook sounds wonderful, really good, but SACD and DVD-Audio are just breathtaking. Lots of impact and bass slam, but the bass is not bloated, very clean and tight, maybe a hair lighter in the bass than the modded E5 (need to do more listening in this area). Will see if larger caps in the PSU (after the switching transistor), and hexfreds will affect this at all. More to come later...
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