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Everything posted by DigiPete

  1. Ahhh... if only money were no object
  2. Looking to buy one of these: Hakko 936-12 ESD or Weller WES51 Any comments on pros/cons for each model? Has anyone got experience with both? Thanks Pete
  3. If your amp is some how malfunctioning (loose wiring) thus requiring you to turn the pot all the way up, I would be careful, because if it somehow works properly again, you could blow out your headphones with the volume pot turned up so high.
  4. Should not be. Maybe the gain on your amp is very low, or your source has low output, thus not providing much to the headphones.
  5. CDs Sultans of Swing: Very best of Dire Straits William Orbit: The Best of Strange Cargos Andrews Sisters - Their All-Time Greatest Hits Norah Jones - Not Too Late
  6. Cool!
  7. I miss it already :'(
  8. I got KT Tunstall - Eye to the Telescope as my #1 pick this year.
  9. The Denon 3930Ci has been ordered
  10. Ever get that nervous feeling, like you hope you didn't make a mistake by selling a component Oh well, the 3930CI is my next step
  11. Nice! I'm sure it sounds wonderful. Congrats!!
  12. Nate, Really anxious to hear about your beta22 when its done. Would love a comparo between it and the Dynamite and Zana Deux
  13. Certainly look nice, and comfortable... Someone buy them, so we can get your review
  14. Anyone have more info on their top line over-ear models? http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/forum/showthread.php?p=25661#post25661
  15. Dropping it.... that's my wife's favorite trick; just cost me $100 to get the camera repaired.
  16. The picture in your link doesn't do justice to the booby.
  17. Glad I'm still in the beer stage...
  18. HD over cable looks pretty good, if that is an option for you... that's what I have. Blu-ray might be interesting but the $1000+ price tag is not. That's why I went with the <$450 Toshiba.
  19. In the mean time I am enjoying my Toshiba HD-A2 by renting HD dvds from Netflix Just wathched Superman returns in HD last night... spectacular.
  20. They sound very nice balanced on my rig. I have a Mogami Quad cable I'm going to try on them next.
  21. Nice! Is that the SXRD2 ?
  22. Nate, Your logic is good. I just got an HD-DVD player and now have seen the holy grail.... By the way HD-DVD does 1080p also, if you get the new higher-end Toshiba unit HD-XA2. But all source material on HD or Blu-ray is 1080/24 or 1080/30 anyway, so it doesn't matter if you have 1080/i or p, as long as your set properly deinterlaces. Even my 720p set looks noticably better with hi-def, so I imagine a 1080 set really shines. I hear the SXRDs are not optimal with SD sources, so that is another consideration. Pete
  23. It's an F-16, F-18 replacement for the USAF and USN; so it will be more focused on air-to-ground, the F-22 is an air dominance fighter more focused on air-air type work; the F-35 and F-22 are complimentary like the F-15 and F-16 have been for the last 30 years. The RAF (UK) is also buying some of the Short takeoff vertical landing (STOVL) variants as is the USMC. The F-22 has just been permitted to do air shows, and it has been flying since 1998 (in its test program) the F-35 probably won't appear in an airshow 'flying' for many years.
  24. I was in charge of flight test for all subsystems: electrical, fuel, hydraulic, aux power, envirornental control, and langing gear. Mostly in the design reviews and flight test planning stages.
  25. Americas newest fighter. Spent 2.5 years of my life on this project. Nice to see the chick finally leave the nest.
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