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Everything posted by DigiPete

  1. Paradigm Reference Studio CC-470 Center Channel Speaker to go with the Ref 100s fronts I got a couple of weeks ago. 34lbs!! not bad for a center channel.
  2. LOL, I thought the same when I was buying it...
  3. Quick cancel the music order
  4. Had some broccoli in olive oil and lemon, and some jalapeno shrimp from Trader J
  5. dream on....
  6. Smoking deal http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?homevdeo&1192926190
  7. I think vinyl keeps the whole waveform (more or less) intact. Redbook CD samples at 44 khz, woefully less than needed to accurately reproduce 20khz waveforms. Now 96khz sampling is closer to what is really needed, and hi-rez formats IMO can sound very very good. The other piece is poor implementation of CD player dacs and output stages. Here is where good digital players that do it right, can really come close to vinyl performance, and hi-rez units done right are on par, when the source material is good.
  8. Matt is waiting to get a Dexa clock, apparently the clock freq used in the 3930 is not too common, he thinks he will have it this week.... I hope.
  9. Matt Anker's full assessment of the 3930 is now posted http://www.sacdmods.com/DVD3930.htm
  10. Getting that extra iron, I see, along with some estrogen...
  11. Dinner for 2 before the Dianna Krall concert at the Hollywood bowl last night...
  12. I was thinking along the lines of video processing and upscaling. centain faroudja chipsets exhibit macroblocking artifacts regardless of whether you send out the signal over HDMI or use the analog video outs. There is also the noise reduction algorythms and daigonal lines (jaggies), chroma upsampling error, and other digital artifacts, suchthat the player will always be a factor.
  13. I was really interested in those too, but I did find too much audiophile chatter on these from magazines or other places. Hearing the speakers is really important if possible
  14. Agon
  15. Anyone who locks a chassis has something to hide...
  16. Sorry man, Just trying to inject a little levity.... No caps in the signal path seems to be touted a lot for good sound.
  17. Or none he wants to admit to....
  18. Unless you listen at insane levels with super inefficient speakers, the Denon will drive pretty much any speaker decently. You definitely need a sub . dot Home theater (movies) use lots of sub type bass, which you can't get very well from even really big speakers. HSU research makes realy nice ones that are well regarded and very reasonably priced. I have the STF 3 model. The new VTF3 MK III would be perfect for you. I have some Boston Acoustics VR2s (which I am now selling due to purchase of Paradigms) and Boston VR910 center (now also for sale), and Boston CR65s for the surrounds and have been happy with them all.
  19. Many years!
  20. Why not get both a HD-DVD player and BR The Tosh HD-A2 is an excellent unit (I have one) and can be had new for <$300. It is at a level of maturity that only the latest BR players are just going to achieve. If hi-rez audio is not a requirement, skip the Denon 3930, and get a Tosh HD XA2 which does CD, DVD and HD-DVD, and has a very decent video processor (Silicon Optix HQ Reon VX). You could always keep your OPUS for real audiophile sound quality.
  21. I may be wrong, but DVI is 8bit video vs. HDMI which is 10 bit. DVI is just dead technology. There are also colorspace translation problems at times. The outlaw receiver probably just passes the dvi signal, so no issues there. Mostly its displays trying to read conveted signals, or sources not putting out the right DVI signal, where problems arise.
  22. The quality of the dvd player does matter, even if you send the signal over HDMI to a display. First of all there is the decoding, and upscaling, all in the player; its video processor makes a difference hometheaterhifi.com has a lot of good info on this.
  23. what's your speaker budget?
  24. I have gotten incredible deals from Keifs Audio in KS. Don't do HDMI>DVI... lot of problems in this area.
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