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Everything posted by DigiPete

  1. Getting excited to see a picture of my actual player with XLRs installed Clock should have gone in today, and then coming back home
  2. lamb, roasted on a spit
  3. We all do dumb things when we are starting out, no? Are you talking about your Pio 578a? Actually that source cost near $200 at the time...
  4. isn't the apogee like $700 and the pico ($) Don't want to spend too much on a portable solution for work and car trips...
  5. I will, but we both know what is inevitable....
  6. sounds like the mini-cubed is going to be ordered soon need it for the emu 0404 usb
  7. So from your experience it seems you rate the mini cubed better than the Xin Ref.... How did the headamp pico stack up to the mini-cubed? Pete
  8. I was thinking of the 2007 headroom micro-dac... but headamp's new pico dac/amp looks intriguing based on Iron Dreamer's impressions at the Nor Cal meet yesterday.
  9. I think they want $400, more than double what the 0404 cost . At the $400 range there are probably lots of good usb dacs...
  10. after hearing Iron Dreamers apogee mini dac I was shocked at how good it sounded. I thought, if I could do half as well with the emu 0404 usb, it would be a great improvement over my f***ing shitty laptop sound (noise) card, and the meciocre sound at my work desktop. Looking forward to it.
  11. trigger pulled on the emu 0404 usb
  12. oh... what the hell, I'll dew eet
  13. I'll use it mostly for family trips and put it on my desk at work for a little better sound.
  14. USB is required. Could go a little higher on price. DIY is a possibility. Anyone... anyone??
  15. Folks, Looking for a DAC for my laptop. A/C powered is ok. Built in head amp, but I might get a mini3 later. Looking at the E-MU 0404 usb 2.0 for about $160 shipped. Any other ones in that price range that I should consider? Pete
  16. non-sequitur
  17. What does a for sale post on a "public" forum have to do with the ability to edit price and status?
  18. Also, for sale threads should have unlimited edit for the OP, so one could change prices and status for items being sold.
  19. That would be a difficult question to answer, but the 3910 adds the newer 1796 Dac vs. the 1790(or 91) of the 2900, and AL24+ processing (I think) The 3930 adds to the above a linear power supply, dual dacs per channel, and the new Advanced AL24 processing. Still, I bet that unit sounds very nice.
  20. DigiPete

    Happy Kitty

    Thats one happy pussycat!
  21. After the lackluster support of DVD-A and SACD by the content providers, I don't see then jumping on the HD DVD or Blu Ray wagon to provide content on those media either. I buy SACD and DVDA when I find stuff I like or want to try, but that is a very small selection. In a world of MP3 and itunes, even the CD may become endangered...
  22. Pics here http://www.head-case.org/index.php/topic,1898.msg47925.html#msg47925
  23. Get your daily fill of quality audio talk, irrelevant thread hijacks, mockery of stupid people, and general buffoonery
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