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Everything posted by DigiPete

  1. Yes balanced outputs will be louder than single ended, at least 3db Nice rig
  2. nate jeans cable ... is that nate maher?
  3. Sour Cherry Metaxa Brandy in my new sipping glass
  4. sent now time for a drink
  5. yeah for this app probably any decently built IC with would all sound good. I wonder if the Nate-ster is up for it
  6. Any other suggestions for sub $50 ICs?
  7. Should I get the KAB Jazz 0.5m IC $30 or the Signal Cable Analog 2 2ft IC? $49 Using for a second system with an old denon cd player hooked up to my new Onkyo integrated, through Boston CR65 bookshelfs.
  8. The 3930CI is in the hometheater/headphone rig room :D I put the Onkyo in the den for the secondary system.
  9. Thanks!@! Now I need to resist the urge to get a better CD player than the Denon DCD-1100...
  10. Well $350 later and a drive to Los Angeles Onkyo A-9555 Integrated Amp Sounds very nice.
  11. There is an Arcam 82T for sale on the Gon. I'll offer close to $500. This one has dual dacs.
  12. The wiring is on the other side of the haedphone, not the cushion side.
  13. I wonder how the 1050 compares to the RR2150?
  14. yup, looks like the CD73 is a later model. The 82 or 192 looking intriguing with the upgraded multi dac modules...
  15. Nothing special. I have some Boston Acoustics CR65s in there
  16. North of LA. I wonder what the difference is between the 73 and the 73T?
  17. Now I'm really torn ....
  18. Thanks Nate! I figure it will be enough player for that system, and a decent backup player if my main player goes down.
  19. anyone
  20. PS I'm considering an Arcam 82T, or 73T, 93T or 192 for my cheap system in the Den. Any thoughts on these players?
  21. The SACDmods Denon 3930Ci is really great sounding. It beats the SACDmods Denon 3910 I used to have by a bit. For about $2300 total investment, I don't think you can do much better except with very very high end gear, and then only slightly. And the SACD DVDA playback is killer. I heard it against the Reimyo and it held its own quite well in Redbook, with an very small advantage to the Reimyo. The OPPO will sound mediocre on hi-rez unless heavily modded(new output stage), and will never reach what a high end or modded mid-fi player can do. Just my 2 cents
  22. remove the silver colored perforated cover (counter clockwise rotation) unscrew the two retaining screws on the plastic housing. Remove the outer white ring by unsnapping it off the two rods in the headband, and pressing it in where it snaps into the housing (two places). Pull out. There is a little hole you can stick a rod into to help unsnap one side.
  23. My Denon Integrated is getting very unreliable due to bad connections in the source selecting mechanisms (noisy and one channel cutting out intermittently). I was looking at an Onkyo A-9555 digital amp. Dont want to spend more than about $350 for a really good sounding integrated for use in the den (secondary system) playing cds through bookshelf speakers. Any thoughts or sugestions? Also need a CD player for this rig, as the Denon CD player just died.
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