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High Rollers
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Everything posted by DigiPete

  1. The Police -- Zenyatta Mondatta Vinyl
  2. Wall of Voodoo - Happy Planet Vinyl
  3. platter must go with the new bearing/stiffener plate, about $1200 with some discounts applied
  4. ha ha !! Might as well be I decided to not use the leveling feature of the feet, because as you unscew them to raise the table, they get wobbly. So these are my interim shims
  5. Gents, Just finished installing Mike New bearing with stiffening plate, platter and SME armboard on my Technics last night. Let the table run all night at 45 rpm. The new platter makes this table a tank, weighing in at least 10 lbs heavier than the stock platter (which seems like a toy now, as does the Timestep armboard, which is feather light compared to the thick solid copper armboard I got from Mike). So far so good. I hear more realistic voices with more weight, the bass is a bit more defined and organic, and the highs also sound a bit more natural; just sounds more analog than before. All in all, a good, though costly set of mods. Only place left to go at this point is to transplant the bearing, platter and tonearm into a solid slate plinth, or something like that Oh yeah, I forgot, this is with the KAB PSU. Works just fine. I have the higher performance PSU module on order due in next month from Paul Hynes.
  6. I won't have the parts probably for another two-three weeks, arrghhhh! The deck was already sounding outstanding, this should bring another level of refinement.
  7. Thanks all!! I think I am going to have a nice glass of wine along with some dessert for dinner Kinda already did the b-day cake thing on Sunday at my parents house. Cheers Pete
  8. My vinyl rig is down now also: Getting a Mike New 14lb Platter heavy duty bearing with stiffener plate and new heavy copper armboard When its all done it should be fairly substantial. Also building a new power supply using this hi-perf module as the basis from Paul Hynes
  9. Happy Birthday Todd! Many years, with health and happiness !!
  10. Thanks guys. The fire came down the hill right up to our tract, but fortunately it ran out of fuel. All is well.
  11. watching the flames about a half mile from my house in the crown fire which swept through Leona Valley and now is threatening southern Palmdale where I live...
  12. If you have a chance try out the Modwright KWA-150, very nice sound, to me anyway.
  13. Its always something..... a guy made me an offer last night on my 309 arm, but now has not paid.....
  14. I have not found the Airy 3X lacking in the mids at all. But it is a neutral sounding cart, good bass and treble extension, so the mids are not overemphasized. I would say its like listening to tape, or good digital.
  15. Mehran at Sorasound is offering killer prices on the Zyx Airy 3X $1495 and up. probably half price from what he used to sell it for
  16. Nice job Ari! Now score a KAB PSU(with strobe disable) or the PSU from Soundhifi.com for another decent upgrade.
  17. and the SME arms sound very good. I have heard the 309 and now the V, you cannot go wrong.
  18. wow.. thanks... I need about 6-7 mm tall, currently I have a 5mm tall mat
  19. The usual round of reference/favs to test out my new tonearm Fleetwood Mac Rumours Steely Dan -- Aja 30th Anniv Ed. 180g Norah Jones - Come away with Me 180g Gino Vannelli - Powerful People MoFi Coldplay - Prospekt's March
  20. Got the SME V mounted yesterday Always takes much longer than you expect. Need to get some damper fluid, running the setup now without it. I noted tighter, more defined bass, and more powerful, than the SME 309. The highs are also more extended, this may be due to the silver wiring used vs. the copper in the 309 Over all a nice improvement, and really a step up. Now I need to get a taller mat since I can't quite get the arm low enough to get the VTA right where I want it, but very close.
  21. Thanks Greg. Its working its way to me from Ottawa, should have it by mid next week
  22. Nice Al! A bit jealous
  23. Picking this up from Agon
  24. naaman, send me you email and I'll email you the BOM file I was working on. Already sent to Pars. Pete
  25. I sent my spreadsheet with the complete BOM, as I know it, and my mouser project file to Vlad. I can share those with anyone else.
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