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High Rollers
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Everything posted by DigiPete

  1. of course the payments are spread over two years 0% interest...
  2. Lots of stuff mostly Home Theater upgrades: Sony 60" Bravia SXRD and PS3 for Blu-rays Denon AVR-3808ci to help build the second-row seat riser
  3. I'll take two boards, how much are they?
  4. Looks like the regulators are on the PCB, so just an unregulated PSU needs to be built.
  5. So this provides equivalent performance to units costing in the thousands?? I'm in. Does it handle most cartridges? Can it run off
  6. Sounds interesting. As a vinyl newb.... does this go between the turntable and the preamp or amp??
  7. Cool... looks like a completely redesigned unit, with little left of the Denon circuitry still in operation. Some pretty big ass transformers in the output stage:o
  8. Thanks Dusty, I just got the newer remastered Blu-Ray version. Looks awesome
  9. The flick for tonight on Blu-ray
  10. Ditto!
  11. Many years to you Earl of DSD
  12. Cool!! I want to see that. There was an advanced screening on base Tuesday night but I didn't want to stay at work for another hour!
  13. Ok, here is how out-if-it I am.... when, where?? (not that a simple search couldn't turn up the answer )
  14. yes but until we have boards available, the Dynamite is king of the hill.... IMHO
  15. A well built Dynamite... (was not on the poll options)
  16. Many years to the post-master of HF Happy B-day
  17. wow! never realized uranium was that had to refine
  18. I used the one Reks taught me
  19. Let's start with.... CONGRESS
  20. pfft...
  21. I guess everyone has a different idea of what is offensive... I just can't get worked up about silly declarations for this or that cause, this or that religion, this or that ethnic holiday that Congress does all year long....
  22. Offended? Sorry for your thin skin...
  23. Like posting on forums
  24. Yup. Congress and the White House make declarations like this all the time. Don't know why this one has everybody's panties in a bunch...
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