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Everything posted by DigiPete

  1. Is there a way to trim the voltage coming out of the regulator stage? A pot across a certain resistor?
  2. Hooked up the power supply to one of the boards, soldered in the zener at the 9v battery holes, Vin = 46.0 Vdc coming from the big cap at R8 = 29.66 v at D1 = 9.156 v no voltages downstream of the zener seem to match, maybe because of transistors that are missing??
  3. Onkyo A9555 is a n[ice] little integrated
  4. 100 caps per board Please explain
  5. I have not decided on a case yet, probably two Par-Metal series 20's. I will run it uncased for a bit. I will be hooking up the psu (uncased) today to see how some voltages are measuring up. Count me 'over eager'
  6. Marc, I see you got the auricaps. Darn, I shouldn't have let you talk me into the M-caps When are we getting the transistors and replacement zeners? Cheers, Pte
  7. Looks nice. I hope you don't have any noise issues with the transformers being so close to the boards.
  8. Went back to work today for the first time since the baby was born last Wed.
  9. I can vouch that the Paradigm Ref 100s are very good. Detailed, great soundstage, neutral and extended top to bottom, but not too bright. But if you have bright rig or like a rolled off sound they may not be well suited to your tastes.
  10. That's quite the test rig! Looks like we will have some very nicely matched transistors So how does one go about using the 9v battery, and, are there benefits?
  11. For home theater duty you should figure in for a subwoofer as well, when able. 5.25" driver is not too small if you have the sub, but >6.0" would be better
  12. Took the baby in for a check up (all's well), then soldered on the Pass Pearl Phono boards as far as I could go, considering there are missing parts. Just came back from dinner -- Panda Express
  13. It had a bit better surface contact with the transistor that way, but since it isn't soldered in yet I can reverse it Any estimates on the remaining transistors?
  14. I have the VPI 16.5 and it really works very well. I usually dry brush the very filthy records (from the record store) before putting them on the 16.5. Have not had any issues with stuff transfering from the cork mat back onto the record or into the record grooves. I use the Audio Intelligent all-in-one fluid and it seems to work very well.
  15. It's my sterilized field
  16. Doing some assembly today, the big caps and heatsink just placed on for effect at this point The zener diodes sent out wont fit the holes on the boards. Here are some pics so far:
  17. I've got the wrt54gs and I have to reboot it every once in a while for no apparent reason.... I did load the latest firmware on it just for good measure.
  18. Why?
  19. The normal routine is CHAOS
  20. Thanks all!! Mom and baby home now. Time to get back to a normal routine...
  21. Thanks guys ! Mommy breastfeeds Sleep schedule intact, mostly
  22. Born 8/27 8:21pm after 12 hours of labor, 7lbs 12oz healthy baby girl and mommy, A shot of Natalia Maria and mommy about 10mins after she was born
  23. ditto!! Definitely will attend.
  24. I opened up the CIAudio VPP1 phono.... two opamps.... still sounds pretty good. I hope this one sounds much better
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