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Everything posted by DigiPete

  1. Logan's Run I'd forgotten how B-movie this actually was.
  2. Nate, The hammond line would be good! Looking for a small case to house the 2 pearl trafos, 2 diode bridges and 2 smoothing caps. Maybe 3"x5"x3"tall or anything similar in size. Cheers, Pete
  3. Well I'm not that concerned about shielding, I just thought there must be lots of little steel project enclosures out there that DIYers are familiar with. Guess not.
  4. Any suggestions for a case?
  5. But it does offer better EMI shielding...
  6. Anyone have a suggestion for a power supply case for the Pearl, steel would be preferred
  7. Bi-amped my speakers. A slight improvement in bass depth and clarity.
  8. Happy birthday Marc!!
  9. ASR, Thanks for the nice pics and your impressions. Just to point out a few corrections: - DigiPete's 4-channel balanced Dynahi (Dynamite) w/ SACDMods-Denon 3930CI Also, given that ASR remarked to me that he likes a source with a tipped up treble balance, I can see why he thinks the treble from the 3930CI is not to his liking. But eveyone hears differently and has different preferences. I find it quite clear and balanced with respect to the mids and lows, and not grainy at all. Maybe it was his headphones with the equinox cord causing issues? Cheers Pete
  10. David, your'e alright!! Reading is not my strong suit
  11. I remember the movie Grease coming out when I was ... Enjoy your youth Nenso!! Happy Birthday!
  12. Thats 48,000 british pounds = 83,000 USD yikes!! Does it come with a nice looking girl??
  13. I guess thats just part of the cost of doin business.
  14. $17 to self park.... a bit pricey I wonder if there is any street parking?
  15. Get cryo'ed ones, they sound better
  16. Happy Birthday Pete! Many Years!!
  17. Its only worth what the market will bear..... no matter what price seems fair to you... unfortunately
  18. I don't have any real problems in the isolation area, that I know of... but hey, if doing some of this stuff helps the sound get better, why not!
  19. FWIW, the Denon 3930CI is very nice sounding, rich, and the SACDmods version just excels. Matt Anker, once he heard it modded, sold his Sony to buy one. And SACDmods are a hugely better value than RAM or most others in the modding field.
  20. Interesting... in order for vibration isolating feet to deaden the sound of the turntable, they must be vibrating in some way which feeds back to the platter or tonearm, thus affecting the sound. They either transmit more vibration from the surface beneath them into the TT, or they absorb turntable vibrations and in turn vibrate at some frequency back into the turntable, which screws up its sound.
  21. I really wish I had a good accelerometer and data acquisition package...
  22. Here is the seller's advice: Hi Pete Yes, for supporting the MyrtleMat I recommend a set of our substantial Myrtlewood Iso Blox (2.6"x1.6"x1"). Better by far than the cheap rubber/cork numbers you sometimes see in this application (which are simply re-branded compressor feet from the HVAC industry.) A set of our large Iso Blox is $21. For what it's worth, maple butcher block does not insulate as well, or have the tonal quality of either solid single-piece maple or our proprietary myrtlewood platform (which is assembled from stock.) And generally, the same mass of myrtle will outperform maple in absorbing unwanted vibration and resonances. Myrtle's grain structure is that much more complex and diffuse. For comparison: even when using solid, single-piece maple, it can take a thickness of up to 6 inches to equal the sonic benefit you'll get with the 1 1/2 inch-thick MyrtleMat. Best, Dan
  23. Looking to up the ante on isolation for my Technics 1210 turntable. Anyone have thoughts on this: AudiogoN ForSale: edenSound MyrtleMat I was thinking to put some sort of vibration absorbing feet under the above platform, and then spike cones under the turntable. Open to thoughts and comments. Cheers Pete
  24. Bryan Ferry - Taxi - cd Bryan Ferry - Bete Noire - cd
  25. congrats, should provide plenty of pleasureable listening
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