Shameless plug: selling my Tube Preamp Modwright LS36.5 in the for sale section here, and have an Agon ad too.
I got the two box dual mono LS36.5
But I had to send it back for repair of the HT bypass function.
I spent an hour or two with it and it sounded magical.
Just more dimensionality and better bass foundation (which was already great) and more color.
Vocals sounded a bit sweeter too.
Hope top get it back in a couple of weeks.
I'll post pics and more impressions then.
I also put together the new power supply for my Technics.
Got the psu module from Paul Hynes, and stuffed it in a box with a honking transformer.
The turntable seems happy.
But I have made too many changes at once to know what difference the new psu made.
All in all the rig is sounding fabulous.