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Everything posted by DigiPete

  1. ATI 1802 amp. Any opinions??
  2. Just finished an A/B listening session with an audiophile buddy of miine, between my Denon 3808 receiver and the loaner Adcom GFA-5400 125wpc/8ohms (not his amp by the way). Well the Adcom is more transparent, in the highs the faint cymbals are more pronounced/forward and clearer, fuller (not hollow, tinny, digitally.... you get the point), better soundstage envelopment, voices are more fleshed out, better attack and decay... Just a better amp all the way around, and sounds well balanced to me tonally. That's it, I'm done with the Denon 3808 as an amp.... I'll keep it for home theater surround channels and doing pre/processsing duties (for now). I want more !! The NHT class D amp has me interested, as well as the higher level Adcom GFA-5500/5800 (200wpc or 250wpc into 8 ohms), and the stratos. What to do...??
  3. Any suggestions in the $500-$700 used range that would better the Stratos?
  4. How would you and Reks characterize the sound signature of this one? Looks intriguing.
  5. me and my money seem destined to be parted Ok, so I like an amp that is not cold and clinical, but transparent with sweet highs and just a touch or warmth. what to do.... what to do..... ??
  6. An easier cart to use is a high output MC, the Denon DL-160, and it sounds very nice
  7. Listening to the rig through an Adcom 5400 I borrowed from a buddy, so far I like it. Hard to place what its doing over and above the Denon receiver.... subtle The sound seems more whole, bass is a bit better, less digital sounding overall, nice placement. has a tiny bit of a buzz though... I'll have to play with cables and placement of power cords to see if I can improve. The thing is f'ing tank. Gargantuan torroid in it, about three times the size of whats in the Denon 3808 receiver. This makes me think a seperate amp is definitely going to be in the cards for my speaker rig.
  8. Good to know. I guess if the impedance is right you don't have to worry about loosing bass?
  9. Of course then I'm going to need a pre-amp.... here it goes
  10. Hmmm...... ok, what you got in mind? Does it meet the Head Case audiophoole seal of approval
  11. aaarrggghhhhh....... I must resist another DIY project
  12. Having built a Dynamite with all the requisite case/heatsink work, I am not daunted at all. But.... how would the Class Ds sound against any of the aformentioned amps?? Don't want a bright amp.... but transparent, neutral, and sweet highs. Probably want 200w into 8 ohms... ish
  13. Thanks! I am mulling over the following also: Brytson 3B-ST Rotel RB-1080 any others??
  14. Adcom GFA-5800 or Adcom GFA-5500 Any opinions on the above (or any other amp) in the $500 used price range, give or take? Looking to power my Paradigm Ref 100 v4s Cheers Pete
  15. Those look nice. Thanks for the tip!
  16. I am only drilling the front panel with a couple of led holes. I will probably put a custom vinyl sticker on the front saying 'Pass Pearl Phono' or something like that. Any ideas for an easy connector for the DC coming into the chassis? (need three conductor)
  17. Here are a few shots of the Pearl PSU (poor man's enclosure) and the Pearl Preamp enclosure, so far...
  18. Ditto, I have the 60" Sony KDS-60A3000, and I am just floored by the picture. Calibrated it myself with a meter and some software. Hopefully by the time this set tanks, the LCDs (or whaterver) will exceed what this set can do.
  19. Yup, it looks like the signal grounds must be isolated from the enclosure (which is at DC ground). When they weren't, I was getting 60hz hum. Worked good once I isolated the signal jacks from the enclosure. I tied the psu grounds together at the psu case output (per the directions).
  20. So, I need some advice about grounding. Phono inputs L-, R-, Gnd -- do these all ground to the case, or isolate? Phono outputs L-, R- -- do these ground to case, or isolate? DC supply voltage - does the (L-, R-) go to case ground? Where do the two DC supply grounds meet? Thanks, Pete
  21. I decided to gut a computer psu to use for the offboard Pearl PSU case
  22. I agree, I'd love to hear Luvdunhill's comparison of the Pearl with his Xono. I've been listening to it uncased, but now its time to get it over with and case it up!
  23. Now I need to get all the bits and pieces to finish the job
  24. New home for my Pearl PCBs: Parmetal series 20 enclosure, 12"x8"x3", 0.18" thick clear anodize aluminum faceplate, black painted body, countersunk screws all the way around $75 including shipping, not too shabby.
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