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Everything posted by DigiPete

  1. Bad pictures taken during build phase, but shows the scope of what I did
  2. man..... I stopped keeping track... but $800-900 would not be out of the ball park [DIY cost]
  3. I guess my offer to build doesn't count
  4. Kevin's orginal design shows half the output devices. Does leaving half the output devices unpopulated change the sound quality of the amp if driving any normal headphone short of a K-1000 ?
  5. Digipete - [8-12] - 4
  6. For a qty of 1, it was $75 shipped, I think. Obviously, we can get a better break if we buy in larger qty.
  7. Here is what my Dynamite heatsinks look like. Drilling all the holes to the precision required to mount the fabricated heatsink was not easy.
  8. I thought it was about half of the Dynahi. If so, I have internal heatsinks in the 12"x12"x3" Par-metal case for my Dynamite and they work just fine. Of course those heatsinks were labor intensive to build and mount to the dynahi boards.
  9. So these little heat sinks would be attached to the output devices, and then what... to some larger heatsink on the side of the case. What about a 2 chassis option: one for the psu's and one for the amp boards. The case I just got from Par Metals was very nice, .18" brushed aluminum face plate, with black painted body, countersunk stainless screws.
  10. luvdunhill, I've lost track of the board configuration for the DynaFet, can you post a pic and some dimensions? What about PSU? I would be willing to get in on a 4-ch for myself and build a couple of 4-ch for others. By build, are we talking just the pcb's or entire amps?? What would be the heatsinking configuration for the output drivers? Holes placement identical to the Dynahi boards would be nice, or onboard heatsinks ala beta22 is handy. Cheers Pete
  11. Best of Jacintha - SACD [url=http://www.musicdirect.com/shared/images/products/large/cgnsa1042.jpg]
  12. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and I get sick too
  13. with the left over metal, you can probably build small tank
  14. Heh... all four of my kids and the wife had strep last week... fun
  15. Eden Atwood -- Waves:The Bossa Nova Session SACD
  16. me neither, the price from APC was too good.
  17. nope, don't follow those types of theads much
  18. I think its some kind of foam or other vibration absorber.
  19. I needed a smaller chassis to fit better into my rig, but the guts are upgraded over the Stratos I have I am putting the Stratos Stereo SE up for sale.
  20. After liking the Odyssey Stratos SE stereo amp a lot, I decided to up the ante a bit.... monoblocks
  21. Talking Heads -- Stop Making Sense Vinyl
  22. Men at Work -- Business as Usual Vinyl -- sounds truly horrible with my new Zyx cart. The highs are so over done and shrill... what were they thinking...
  23. Herbies shopping day: Two Ultrasonic 9 Dampers for my tube preamp Grungebuster Dots to put under my myrtle block/turntable shelf Supersonic Record Stabilizer Baby Booties - feet for my Pearl DIY Phono stage
  24. Talking Heads -- Speaking in Tongues Vinyl
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