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Everything posted by DigiPete

  1. Man you read my mind
  2. I wonder if Jacob P. is still on Headwize. I bet he might jump at the chance to finish off this board for us...
  3. Did you see my post earlier here. I used an angle aluminum bracket. I have two unpopulated Dynahi boards and one unpopulated Dynahi PSU pcb I ought to put up for sale at some point.
  4. Pars, Did those Dyhani transistors I sold you work out ok?
  5. I can foresee this project... for those in a rush... it is not
  6. ah yes.... it must be studied closely
  7. Pars, Is that Dynafet board design done yet?
  8. or I'll give you a mohawk and feed you veggie burgers and tofu
  9. Carl's Jr cheeseburger
  10. you need a vacation. Come out to Southern California
  11. dew eet
  12. Day-dreamed about the DynaFet at work
  13. I remember studying partial diff. eqs in college Looks like fluid mechanics or quantum mechanics or something.... That was many beers/years ago.
  14. Maybe the prime builders ought to have a separate thread to facilitate the design and integration process, which should include as a minimum: prototype board design and its testing/validation, parts selection and specs, amp chassis integration issues, parts procurement/cost, and assembly/test/distribution issues. Any thoughts?
  15. I think this is best, this way the boards can be tested once assembled. Once the heatsink angle iron is fitted, you don't have to worry about undoing it, shipping and risking damage as the end user is trying to refit the angle iron.
  16. Yeah, a 90-deg angle bracket allows easy bolting to vertical off-board heat sinks
  17. As long as the output transistor mounting holes are in the same place as the Dynahi, I'm in. I could just reuse my current heat sinks. I can build boards, but I'm not going to mess with building heatsinks. unless maybe get some CNC heatsink/adaptors brackets as part of this group buy.
  18. This image bears further analysis and probing...
  19. Unless we invest in a precision heatsink bracket, the on-board heatsink pcb is a very practical way to get a headphone amp version done. The advanced user looking for a speaker amp, could still use the onboard HS version pcb, and build his with transistors mounted to an off board heatsink. Just trying to keep this project doable without a lot of machine work/fabrication for heatsinking.
  20. Which version is under consideration, this one?
  21. I guess a PSU sub-thread should be considered as well (number of orders/parts/cost, etc.)
  22. Seems reasonable.
  23. I wonder if Kevin or someone would work with this group to make design changes to the current board design to take into account single vs dual transistors, and other useability considerations?? ...since this seems to be the best shot to get boards built for the DynaFet.
  24. Kevin, Does the doubling number of output transistors affect the sound quality, say if driving a HD650 or K701? Just trying to get a handle on what are the upsides/downsides of 2 vs. 4 output transistors. Cheers, Pete
  25. Ha ha, these are images from the Head Case photo gallery I wonder why some can't see them??
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