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Everything posted by DigiPete

  1. Just got a pair of Odyssey Khartago Monoblocks with the black Kismet boards.
  2. Steely Dan - Gaucho 96khz/24bit
  3. O yeah, I am in no rush. I know this will take many months. Sorry, i'll be quiet in a corner somewhere
  4. j4cbo, Are you following any of the these pcb related discussions? Any opinions? Cheers, Pete
  5. Other gottchas from the Dynamite build - need matched led's with a verified correct voltage drop. The NPN and PNP output devices did not match very well (the mean values were offset from each other making it impossible to get close matches) so you end up correcting that with the DC offset pots. Is there any merit to designing an onboard voltage source (ala Dynahi) so a cheaper opamp can be used? When builing my Dynamite I over ordered resistors as well, and did closer matching. Do we have a preference for this project? I prefer screw on rca jacks but like the idea of a pcb for all the I/O wires and the pot to connect/solder into. All I can think of now.
  6. Smeggy, I can take care of building your boards for you. Pete
  7. Chis, Good catch!! When Jacob presents us with the next rev. of the PCB, we builders should all read the headwize thread, and then go through the pcb with a fine tooth comb - and identify any errors, or functionality that we think ought to be incorporated. Hopefully with a good scrub of this next iteration, Jacob can go back revise again, and we should have a prototype design ready to be built and tested.
  8. Jack Johnson - On and On Vinyl
  9. Patricia Barber - Modern Cool sacd Simple Minds -- New Gold Dream Remaster CD En Vogue - Hold On and other hits CD
  10. Jacob, How's the board design going? Any thoughts on prototype boards? As a flight tester I always favor prototyping.
  11. Should we do prototype boards?
  12. Cool. Does that include making up one or two prototype boards, which we can stuff and test, and then any revisions leading to the final production run?
  13. How about distributed node architecture - rail caps close to the power output devices w/bypass caps for even faster response.
  14. Nice..... it shoud sound great.
  15. If we can get the same output transistor hole pattern and mounting bolt pattern as the Dynahi boards, several of us could plug n play the new boards into existing dynahi amps, or at least reuse the dynahi heatsinks.... this is not paramount, but nice to have if feasible. Jacob, Also, have you scanned the old headwize DynaFet thread to make sure all the 'catches' made there have been incorporated? Cheers Pete And welcome aboard Jacob There are probably several characters that you recognize from other places here as well.
  16. two boards and a PSU will give you great SE sound.
  17. j4cbo (Jacob Potter) is now a member of Head-Case If we invite him into the Casino..., I'm sure he will jump right in to help with board design issues ] Why is this in the Casino?
  18. Well we can consider offering stuffed boards, and a chassis option. Those who don't like the group chassis, can DIY their prefered chassis.
  19. Well, I made contact with Jacob Originally Posted by DigiPete Jacob, There is a serious effort to group build the Dynafet. If you are interested, we could use someone to perfect the boards. Let me know if you are interested to help. Cheers Pete Dammit. I was just about to finally get my Dynahi into a case and stop DIYing amps for a while. So much for that... Is there a thread I should be looking at? I don't see anything recent in Head-Fi's DIY section.
  20. By the size of the case some have posted it seems internal. I would prefer a two box solution, personally, and I may still do that.
  21. It may not be feasible/advisable to try to get this design to unity gain for an active ground channel. A balanced amp (4 ch) does not use an active ground, and one 4-ch amp can play balanced or unbalanced
  22. traitor... away with him... away with him....
  23. That does not look too bad price wise. With volume discount it may be around $100 per board stuffed (just guessing)
  24. and PMed him on HF (though he has not been there since october)
  25. I just PMed him at Headwize... let's see what happens.
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