After the final proto-typing is done, I will get inputs from Luvdunhill/KG on final parts selection, and make up the final BOM for passive/misc parts order.
At that point we will work out details for ordering and payment.
In Palmdale CA where I live I pay
$13.6/$1000 for property taxes, living in a gated community (no not in a prison) in a 2800sqft home.
It all depends where you live.
Once we settle on a schematic and you've done the prototyping, I'll use whatever comes out of that for the group buy passive parts BOM.
It may be advantegeous to open up the lead spacing for the big resistors at this point, if possible.
At the junction where the techflex ends, I soldered the two shields together, and I stripped a part of the ground wire and soldered it to the sheilds at that spot as well.