I got a 4850 that would not get past POST. Returned it for a second which crashes on 3D apps.... sent it back RMA..... not too enthused by ATI cards right now
I need a show of hands for who wants to buy the passive parts kit for standard DynaFet board. Finalizing the BOM right now with Marc.
I will be offering a standard and boutique option (most resistors and some caps).
Getting the number of buyers will help me scope out the final cost per kit.
I would like to get this info ASAP so we can finalize the order.
Name ## of board kits
Better yet PM that info to me.
For about $1800 used the Paradigm Ref 100 v4 or v5s are really nice.
You could probably score the Paradigm Signature S8s for 3k
How about the Von Schweikert VR4 Jr Mk IIs?
I'll try to put together the passive parts buy somtime in the next week.
I'll send Marc the final bom for a cross check, and then collect payments from interested parties.