From Digger
I think 10pF will be fine and I've tried it down to 4.3 gain I think. I have had some stability problems with my Wavetek. I'm shopping for another function generator now.
Still I have tried 10pF for the comp cap and used the square wave out of the scope calibrator(50mV @ 1kHz) and it looks perfect from a gain of 4.3 to 11. I'm gonna try lower than 4 this weekend sometime.
For the resistors used in the Vbe multiplier, where originally KG had 20k resist/20k pot/20k resist, I'm using 1k for the adjustment pot and 1k for the resistor in series with that pot(R62), and 2.2k for R17 and R18. I recommend that the adjusment pot be set to the middle of the range before installation, or if you know how many turns it is then set to the middle after installation. I have found these values to be good for adjustment down to levels that are acceptable for use in my dynamite should I decide to transplant them, and still be able to exceed 300mA if you want to crank it up a bit. All of my testing lately has been done with only one J76 and one k213, both mounted on 1.5" Aavid's just like a Beta22 would be. I have had no problems at all thus far. The fact is I fully intend to build a 2 channel amp using the Aavid's just as a HP amp to maybe sell later sometime, and to use to tweak values for the rest of the gang as we get started in the build thread when Marc gets ready.