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Everything posted by monsieurguzel

  1. Man if only you guys had some better amps to test out these SR-009s to give us some more proper impressions...hehe
  2. awesome! Thanks for doing this Eggil!
  3. Wasn't that the reviewer that several years ago went on and raved about the Markl modded LA7000 headphones as being the pinnacle of headphones at the time?? Anyways, I always find it funny seeing professional reviewers write about headphones since they really don't know much about them.
  4. Wow! The mythical U.S. bound SR-009s are real!! Would have been cool to see all the sets together
  5. Hey Andy, after all that you've done for us, I would sure hope that you get to keep one of the first sets that arrive
  6. I'll wait for the next batch. I need my BHSE or even the KGSSHV boards first before even being able to do anything other than look at them
  7. Definitely interested now that I just moved to Houston! And i happen to really enjoy F1!
  8. Wow can't believe they are actually shipping again! Seems like forever ago that we plonked down our hard earned cash on these babies!
  9. Hey Lil Knight, I saw you mentioned my name in your previous post. Does that mean you want us to sent you a payment once again so you can ship?
  10. So jealous of you guys! I'm bummed that I just had to blow about 1500 on my car in the past couple of days....otherwise I'd probably have gotten one of these badboys! I did try to install lion on my 2007 MBP...and while it works pretty nicely, I really wish it had the multitouch trackpad. Half the fun of Lion is all the cool swiping gestures!
  11. That's audiophiles for you...instead of buying equipment to further enjoy your current music...you buy music to match your expensive equpment. Who cares if its crap that nobody else in the world will listen to *cough* Chesky's Binaural Explorations of Space and Time *cough* *cough*
  12. Great article that compares MOG to Spotify for those that might be interested: http://www.soundandvisionmag.com/blog/2011/07/19/streaming-deathmatch-spotify-premium-vs-mog?page=0,0 PS, it's pretty biased towards MOG
  13. Tell me about it...if I could I would stop reading that ridiculous thread ...it's just gotten so damn hostile. The unfortunate problem is that I own a unit and need to keep up with all the god damn iterations of the firmware on the thing....and that's where the info is at. Maybe, we should have a more gentle and civilized JH3a thread over here since I know of a few HC members that own one. Maybe it's the fact that this unit sounds pretty great or maybe it's because my wife is out of town and I have a lot of time on my hands...but I'm having a blast listening to a ton of great music I haven't touched in years with the JH3a! On a side note, Justin is right about info and attitude of people at HF recently. There's just so little worthwile contect to read over there. I've been reading the forums on computeraudiophile recently and am just amazed by the quality, depth, and knowledge that a large portion of the posts have over there. Granted a lot of it is probably BS, but at least it's very civilized and grown up. World of a difference... -Alex
  14. That thread somehow grows by 20 pages a day! I have no idea what the hell people can possibly be talking about to that extent!?!?!
  15. Get the Apex! I listened to it at Canjam extensively and was super impressed with it! Plus no worries with BS tube upgrades, balanced cables that is needed for WA22. Finally for office use the apex is a lot easier maintenance with less heat output.
  16. Payment sent to my end! Btw, that is a crazy amount of T2 boards being ordered. I'm wondering how many will get completed and functioning properly? 2-3 maybe?
  17. Love the new leather headband! Really looks like a very classy headphone now!
  18. I was able to get a free subscription to Spotify this morning and have been testing it out. I currently use and love MOG both in terms of selection and quality, so I don't see myself switching to this anytime soon. However, it is nice having a desktop client that acts a little like itunes with song downloadings, etc. MOG is purely browser based which can be a pain in the ass sometimes. However, i'm able to get mog to sound pretty good by using Pure Music, which has a feature of bypassing system volume and directing all computer audio through PM, which helps.
  19. Yeah, I def. wouldn't call them neutral by any means...even with the bass knob turned down, but they sure are a lot of fun to listen to. In terms of IEMs, they are by far the best I've heard by a longshot, but still not in the same league as top flight headphones in terms of refinement.
  20. Supposedly the gain issue has been addressed to a certain extent, but it seems that we can request it to be even lower (at the extent of lowering analogue input gain). I also had Jerry specifically tune the Bass level on my amp unit since I thought it was a little too high even at lowest level.
  21. lol I just noticed that! If only i could blame it on my iphone autocorrect
  22. I've had my unit for a couple days before sending it back, and yes it had a very slight background hiss, which became un-noticeable once playing music. The thing is that I've come to expect background sound in just about any audio equipment that I've owned (speakers included). And yeah, the HC crowd is getting really annoying...you can't post anything without people going crazy over the slighter imperfection. I feel that most people out there don't even listen to music anymore for enjoyment...all they do is play 5-10 'audiophile' tracks in rapidfire to evaluate equipment and start posting impressions after 5 minutes of owning a product.
  23. For me the treble wasn't toooo much of an issue, other than when playing Bluegrass and such. However, what bugged me more about them was the lack of soundstage and layering of instruments. The headphone felt quite claustrophobic and not that great recreating a sense of space in live performances. The tonality was pretty spot on though...which is what counts the most in my opinion.
  24. Hmmm....the new version sounds interesting. I had the very first iteration and sold it a while back but do miss some aspects of it quite a lot. It's nice they fixed a lot of kinks with the headphones after the past year....goes to show you need to wait a good year for kinks to get worked out. I should probably have done the same with the SR-009s
  25. Happy Birthday Birgir!
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