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High Rollers
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Everything posted by humanflyz

  1. The last IEM I had was the ER-6s three years ago; suffice to say that the SE530 is a huge upgrade
  2. Peter is right, all these DACs are mid-fi at best, so focus on what kind of feature you want instead of absolute sound quality.
  3. Thanks for all the info so far. Dusty, this is not going to be a permanent relocation, as I'm only working in DC for a year or two before going to law school, so definitely renting, and definitely an apartment. I don't know anyone in DC, so I guess I'm rooming by myself. I am not a picky person in terms of boarding, I'm more concerned about easy access to public transportation and safety than I am about "niceness."
  4. So looks like I will be working in DC next year, and now I have to start thinking about where to live. I prefer to be in DC, where there is easy access to the metro because I won't have a car, and my work places is near the Hill. Basically I am wondering if any of the DC/MD area folks can give me some advice, like where NOT to live if I don't want to be shot and so forth. Thanks.
  5. Yes he did
  6. Sonny Rollins at Zellerbach at UC Berkeley: he's still got it man. That show was so awesome. And his trombone player, Clifton Anderson, has such a sweet tone. It was just an excellent show overall, and the two hour set simply passed too quickly.
  7. Revived from the dead: The Sonny Rollins show is this Thursday at Zellerbach on the Berkeley campus? Anyone still going?
  8. O2+007II is not that great for rock, but the O2+KGSS is: I'm listening to "Tommy" right now, and it is pretty awesome.
  9. I have never found Kafka hard to read from a stylistic/linguistic perspective, since he doesn't really write in a convoluted style or use unusual syntax. But I find him difficult to read because after reading Kafka, I feel like suffocated, spiritually, and that's most likely the effect he intended anyways.
  10. I had a S&B TX-101 MKIII TVC: it was great...in its volume range, but I wanted more volume, and it couldn't keep up.
  11. All around the world today, the Kilo is the measure Whoever got the kilos got the candy, man!
  12. 1) Mogwai - Mr. Beast 2) Brian Eno - Discreet Music 3) John Zorn - Naked City 4) MONO - You Are There 5) Beth Orton - Central Reservation (saw this listed occasionally on the what are you listening to thread, so I picked it up) 6) The Mountain Goats - Get Lonely 7) Joe Jackson - Body and Soul Gong - Flying Teapot (courtesty of Deepark's avatar) 9) Explosions in the Sky - Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Die 10) Penderecki - Cello Concerto, Partita, Symphony, Threnody (EMI)
  13. That means you just like the K701s better; nothing wrong with that.
  14. Thanks Todd for the upload: you saved me another day of cursing at the NIN servers
  15. This time it went to 45.2% before timing out and giving me a 403 error
  16. Well, there were reports of people unable to access the site due to traffic overload, especially for people who didn't pre-pay. I just thought Trent Reznor would have taken notice, given his fans are probably just as rabid. Anyways, I like the idea, I hope more musicians would use this model, but I'm just frustrated that I can't even download the album even after paying for it.
  17. You'd think that Trent Reznor would have learned a thing or two from how Radiohead released In Rainbows, but this is even worse.
  18. Aaarg, the fourth time today the server timed out on the download, and this is with a download manager too. Jesus this is getting on my patience.
  19. Let me know if you run into the problem of the download suddenly stopping in the middle before it can be completed.
  20. This was a great idea but poorly executed: I've had to restart my download for FLAC the third time right now, because the server petered out. And it's non-resumable since it's a secure download.
  21. It's getting much less hammered. I was able to pay and start downloading in about 5 minutes. But the download itself is slow: 600 megs will take 3 hours.
  22. Man, the server is getting hammered, I can't even order it right now.
  23. Why does everyone assume that universal health care can only be accomplished through a governmental bureaucracy? A plausible alternative could be give people direct cash payments so that they could afford to enter the health care insurance market. This is a genuine question to all the libertarians in the thread, not meant to provoke or ridicule: Do you guys reject any and all notions of distributive justice? I'm just curious.
  24. This is a question for Reks: So do you reject any and all notions of distributive justice? This is not meant to provoke, but I'm simply curious.
  25. If you like the K701s better than the O2s at this stage, I don't think you'll ever like the O2s, no matter how long you burn them in, because to me, the O2s pretty much walk all over the K701s in the technical things. So it just sounds to me like you don't like the O2's sound, which no amount of burn-in is going to change.
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