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High Rollers
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Everything posted by humanflyz

  1. Saw Spiritualized last night at the 9:30 Club. NPR has the complete set here.
  2. Nick Cave/Bad Seeds Catalog Gets Deluxe Reissues | Pitchfork
  3. I am wondering if there is an eBook reader out there that has the following features: 1) ePaper display 2) full PDF/Word compatibility 3) OS X compatible
  4. What does a typical adult expend in calories per day?
  5. Hey Guys: I have a chance to get a pretty good deal on a SFT built Dynamight from a person that I've known for a long time and trust. The only issue that he has disclosed to me about the amp is that on the lowest gain setting, there is some crackling when changing the volume on the stepped attenuator. But on all other gain settings, there is no crackling. Is this something of a major concern? Because I don't anticipate on using the lowest gain setting, having heard this amp before. Thanks.
  6. I'd like to hang out with you guys, so if you guys are doing anything before going to Brickskellar, I'd like to kick along. But of course, you don't have to give me a ride back, since I can just take the metro from Dupont Circle.
  7. Cool, thanks a lot. Just to be clear, I am talking about Friday evening, not Saturday, because I can't go to the meet due to a conflict.
  8. I hate to interrupt the festivities, but can someone give me a lift? I can go to a Metro station of your convenience.
  9. Yeah, I can definitely do that; I leave work at 5:30, if that works for you, that'd be great. PM me so we can coordinate this thing. Thanks.
  10. You guys should come to the Brickskellar.
  11. Where are you guys meeting for Friday night? If it is somewhere accessible via public transportation, then I think I would definitely drop by.
  12. Hmm, something's wrong: my line breaks are not showing up.
  13. I'm sorry if this is the wrong venue for what I'm about to say, or if this is inappropriate, but I'm just about fucking fed up with this Democratic Congress. What pushed me over the top was the FISA bill: if you haven't heard, the Senate passed FISA with the immunity provision. Now, as a self-professed liberal, I am fucking sick and tired of the current Democratic leadership. Time and time again they fucking capitulate and bend over for their opponents. When the fuck are they ever going to fucking grow some balls and stand up for once?!?! Man, I thought I was pretty skeptical about government when I was in school, but working in DC around the Hill has made me even more cynical about the process. And I fucking love how Pelosi is pitching this as an "important" political compromise: what fucking compromise? what fucking victory? Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, working around the Hill knew that the Democrats were going to give into the telecomms, but yet the leadership is pitching this as a fucking victory? WHAT THE FUCK?! And this is not simply about a Democratic or liberal issue--it's about politics in general. Take, for instance, today's Senate vote on Medicare appropriation for next year. The Republicans have been stonewalling it for days, publicly and insistently, threatening filibuster. But what happens today? 69 votes, overriding cloture and veto. I'm just sick and tired of watching politicians refusing to take a goddamn stand on their principles. And if this is inappropriate, the mods can delete it. I just felt like venting after watching this shit at work all day.
  14. Saw Fleet Foxes last night at the Black Cat: they were pretty decent, but some further touring experience would definitely make them better.
  15. Ian's list is pretty good, here's some from me:
  16. I thought APE is dead anyways, since they are no longer developing it.
  17. humanflyz

    Diablo 3

    Yup, I played Nox back in the days: it was a really fun co-op game.
  18. humanflyz

    Diablo 3

    Just finished watching the trailer. two words: holy shit.
  19. humanflyz

    Diablo 3

  20. Just came back from seeing Battles at the 9:30 Club in DC. It was pretty awesome, especially the drummer. Man that guy is a machine.
  21. Needed money to move then, but once I start getting a full-time paycheck, I'll buy them back.
  22. Hey, those are the reasons why I got into speakers I'm definitely re-buying those once I settle in DC.
  23. Holy shit, you still haven't listened to them? Didn't I sell them to you like a month ago?
  24. Damn, me wants the ATCs...
  25. Hey dude, I know just how you feel. My girlfriend and I decided to split up, because we both graduated, and there was no way we could stay together because of distance. So even though it's amicable, the separation still hurts like a motherfucker. I totally understand what you are saying when you say that a part of you is missing. So hang in there.
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