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Everything posted by humanflyz

  1. Well, I was asking more about the file systems. Windows XP uses NTFS, so that's how my hard drive in an external enclosure is formatted; but since OS X is a *Nix-based OS, do I have to format the hard drive to work with that particular file system?
  2. So with the L3000s sold, I finally have the funds to replace my laptop, and I'm thinking of going Mac this time, as I've never used an Apple computer before and am curious. My question is about hard drive compatibility. Currently I have a 300gig PATA hard drive in an external closure connected to my PC via USB. I am wondering if I need to format the HD to be compatible with OS X. If so, that will be a significant problem because all of my lossless music is stored on that drive.
  3. I recently became interested in transformer-based volume controls and want to learn about them. For example, what makes them different from regular passive pre-amps? And are there advantages to using one versus the other? For something concrete, I'm looking at ones offered by Promethus Audio for the sub-1k range, and the Sonic Euphoria models for sub-2k models.
  4. I think Dusty's point is that while you can certainly system-tune R10s to have adequate bass to make bass-heavy music enjoyable, you can't change them into a 100 percent completely different headphone. To use a science example, suppose you have two completely separate systems for each headphone, and in each system we assume that you have spent enough time and money equally on both such that one can reasonably claim that you have managed to wring out all the potential there is in each headphone, maximizing their strenghs while minimizing their weaknesses: 1) System A: completely tuned for the K1000s 2) System B: completely tuned for the L3000s While System A would conceivably yield the best bass response out of the K1000s that is reasonably possible, it would still not match the bass response of system B, which is not to say that system A cannot provide enough bass response to make bass-heavy music very satisfying to listen to. At least, that's what I think Dusty is trying to say.
  5. LOL. Actually I haven't listened to my headphones at all since I got my speakers. It's a honeymoon phase for sure, but there is something more natural about speaker listening to me.
  6. It's fine for pretty much all genres, though of course like any other headphone, it's stronger in some than in others. Metal is still very listenable on them, although the L3000s edge them out, but I have a hard time imagining that you would throw off the K1000s in disgust when you listen to metal on them, just as I have a hard time seeing people throwing off the L3000s in disgust when they listen to large orchestral music.
  7. So I was bored and started looking at 300B amps, and came across this: http://jacmusic.com/Yamamoto/html/Amps/A09/description.htm Does this pass the non-shitty 300B amp test?
  8. It's almost impossible to say what the best amp is for K1000s, because they can theoretically work with everything. There is still a huge percentage of speaker amps that people haven't tried with K1000s yet.
  9. Not yet, only because I'm embarassed to show my make-shift "stands" that I've made out of cardboard boxes.
  10. With postjack's acquisition of Tkam's Quad 22Ls, it certainly looks like Quad is the FOTM lol. I got my Quad 12L active monitors today, and I am very pleased with the purchase, considering that I got it at half the MSRP. I find them to be very detailed and resolving, which shouldn't be surprising given that they are designed for studio mixing, but they are definitely not harsh. If anything, they have more of a treble roll-off than either my L3000s and K1000s. The midrange is smoooth though, and very pleasing to the ear, and bass has decent impact but is a bit sloppy right now because I'm still using the cardboxes they came with as temporary stands. When my stands come next week, I expect a decent improvement in that department. They obviously don't hit as hard or as low as the L3000s, but nothing to complain about. That's the thing about these speakers: they are very easy on the ears and have no glaring problems, and the piano black laquer finish looks pretty amazing at this price. Overall I'm very impressed.
  11. He recabled my L3000s, and they sound better than stock cables, although I would need more time to make any meaningful comment.
  12. but you hate the O2 with anything less than a ES-1
  13. So true of an Asian upbringing, I had to LOL because my parents are exactly the same way.
  14. The most noticeable differences between the stock cable and Alex's cable lie in bass impact and treble sparkle. Alex's cable makes the L3000s hit even harder, such that kick drums have, well, more kick. The treble seem to have gained a small bit of sparkle, so it's a little bit more open sounding. The L3000s aren't claustrophobic to begin with, but any more treble clarity is welcomed. By the way these opinions are formed while listening to them balanced; I haven't done a balanced-vs-single-ended comparison using Alex's adaptor yet.
  15. Just got them back from Alex this morning: http://apuresound.com/images/cables/hl3000.html Mine is the one on the left. Goddamn I've missed these headphones, but can't listen for long because of the Cal vs. Tenessee game. Go Bears!
  16. I can believe this, since if you have enough money, time, and patience, you can manage to coax a lot of things out of a headphone that someone who is not dedicated to it will never be able to.
  17. Aren't there other ways to tweak if tweaking is what people want? I mean even with powered speakers you can still tweak with the choice of pre-amps, sources, cables, and not to mention room treatment.
  18. Powered speakers make a lot of sense to me, but they don't seem to be popular in Hi-Fi, so what's the deal? Are there some fundamental disadvantages to using powered speakers, or is it just custom and tradition?
  19. I just scored them this morning for $650, now the wait.
  20. I don't think it's superfluous because it does fill a niche, albeit a very tiny one: people who don't like most headphones' soundstaging and imaging abilities but who can't do speakers due to living arrangements.
  21. Having owned the W5000s once and now own the L3000s, I can only agree that the W5000s have more air and soundstage. But detail-wise, I feel they are the same, and sometimes I think the L3000s reveal more detail, but don't present them in a conscious manner. Imaging-wise the L3000s are a bit better as well. But if you are coming from the R10s, I can see how you might perceive the L3000s as too closed-in.
  22. That's because I'm wearing them.
  23. I have a response to that: how about no? I just saw that Alex put up a picture of my recabled L3000s on his site, which means I should get it soon enough.
  24. After two and half months, my K1000 system is finally back in my possession: Listening to the DVD-A of Pet Sounds, and it is glorious.
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