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Everything posted by humanflyz

  1. Jenny Lewis = TEH WIN What's not to like: a good singing voice, long red hair, nice rack, cute face
  2. that's too bad dude, because I had a pretty good night with a certain friend
  3. Is 3 watts really enough for K1000s, especially on dynamic music?
  4. Get a Pico and HD650s, both used. It'll probably be over $500 but should be pretty good.
  5. Bach: never really "got" it, and not for lack of trying, since I have multiple versions of the violin concertors, cantatas, well-tempered clavier, goldberg variation, and a bunch of others. In fact, I'm with Dusty on this one: give me the bombast and bring on the full symphony orchestra.
  6. He could be the guy in the vignette that starts off each episode
  7. LOL, a better idea would be to do a differential on why exactly House's system seems to exhibit a slight upper-midrange spike, and have Foreman, Chase, and Cameron test out various after-market cables and power-cords for the solution, all the while debating the merits/disadvantages of silver-vs-copper, different types of dielectrics, and transformers-vs-OTL.
  8. humanflyz

    Deus Ex

    You're gonna need a lot of time if you want to finish BG1+2 thoroughly (I'd estimately 150+ hours)
  9. humanflyz

    Deus Ex

    Well, Planescape for one has way better dialogue/writing than BG As for Bioware's recent games, yeah, they are all pretty enjoyable, but not up to their old standards.
  10. humanflyz

    Deus Ex

    I must have played the entire BG series like 5 or 6 times through, doing all the side quests/playing all the classes
  11. humanflyz

    Deus Ex

    Honestly, none of Bioware's more modern games (Neverwinter Nights, KOTOR, Jade Empire, Mass Effect) really hold up against the Baldur's Gate series.
  12. humanflyz

    Deus Ex

    Planescape Torment is possibly the greatest single-player RPG ever made IMO, so yeah, I like it, a lot
  13. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/25/arts/music/25tomm.html?pagewanted=1&ref=music Every time I read an article in a mainstream media about sound quality, it inevitably gets the whole thing wrong.
  14. I know, it's the time-requirement that is daunting for me. I will try to get the Karajan set once I have a lot of free time.
  15. I would like to explore some other complete Ring cycles other than the Solti boxset which I have, but the prospects are daunting lol.
  16. It would take a lot of commitment to listen to the Ring all the way through, since you'd have to listen and then read at the same time, and plus it takes forever, and if you don't have a lot of time, listening to them in short stretches kind of loses the continuity of the whole thing. But if you do have the time, it is very rewarding.
  17. woah dude, what's with the aggression here.
  18. Ouch, hurts so much because it's true I feel bad as an American.
  19. His name is Robert Paulson!
  20. I would not recommend using the Lavry to drive headphones as a long-term solution out of its balanced outputs, which just does not deliver enough power. And really, balanced isn't everything: my old single-ended Dynahi wiped the floor with the Lavry DA10 driving the HD650s single-ended, and the Lavry was driving the HD650s with the balanced outputs.
  21. I saw this on Facebook, so happy birthday Jason.
  22. Magic-eye tubes are definitely gimmicky, but just take them out if you don't want to see them
  23. I've heard the HD150, which is not bad at all with the RS-1s I had at the time. According to Lloyd, the power into 32ohms has been quadrupled from 80mW to 320mW, which should really give better control of Grados.
  24. Yeah, even my AE-2 had more balls driving the HD650s than the Opera, which is quite unacceptable given their price differences.
  25. I can't believe my old thread has been bumped Meier should've really increased the stock gain in the unit.
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