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Craig Sawyers

High Rollers
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Everything posted by Craig Sawyers

  1. For some reason that made me think of this
  2. Have a great day Knucks!
  3. You're absolutely right Jose - any patent covering the DT770 will have long expired.
  4. Territory dependent, but 17 years is a good guide.
  5. Great to hear you are on the road to recovery, Jose! Well, other than the downer on sex that is ?‍♂️?‍♀️?
  6. I know this is small beer compared to what Jose has gone through in the last couple of days, but three weeks post op on my finger this is what it looks like now. I'm really pleased with the outcome, and the remaining scar will fade away pretty much totally.
  7. WTF? That sounds distinctly not nice at all. How are you post op?
  8. Happy New Year from across the pond!
  9. Well that was a real shock. Neil Innes - suddenly, and only 11 years older than me. Bloody hell. RIP Neil. In honour of the brilliant idiot musical genius
  10. That looks like my kind of wine shop
  11. Oh yes yes yes! Salivating
  12. Toroidal transformers are not completely symmetrical, because of the wire exits. The usual way of reducing hum induced by the asymmetry is to leave the leads long (or solder on temporary extension wires), loosen the chassis fixing and rotate the transformer to minimise or reduce below audibility the hum. Then tighten up the fixing bolt and tidy up the wiring. Also make sure that the primary, and secondary wires are twisted. Open wire loops can induce hum and buzz in signal circuits through simple transformer action.
  13. Do you have a hum problem you are trying to cure?
  14. What a mega-turd! Whoever deposited that must have broken into a sweat.
  15. That is a superb rack. Looks like he (I'm assuming he) is either a real craftsman, or he knows one. Awesome deck too!
  16. OW. Both big toes. Why did we both do this sort of thing just coming up to Christmas?
  17. All I see is the woman
  18. Well that was fun (not). I'd booked to have a minor op to the middle finger of my right hand today, originally when Carole was going to drive me there and back. In the meantime of course she broke both wrists. So I had it done anyway. So now between the two of us we have only one functioning arm . Still numb with local anesthetic, I expect it will throb a bit when that wears off.
  19. My interpretation. My wife says it is derivative art.
  20. Sorry, I still don't focus on the speakers....
  21. I have that one saved already - I think it was originally posted on an early Knuckledragger thread. I'm almost entirely distracted from the speakers by the woman
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