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Craig Sawyers

High Rollers
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Everything posted by Craig Sawyers

  1. Diamond based semiconductors have been worked on for at least a decade. Note on the site there are no specifications for such devices. There are still massive hurdles to be overcome in fabricating semiconductor devices on silicon. And - a real irritation - how many women do you see on their team?
  2. OMG I can't unsee that....
  3. And looks a hell of a lot neater than my rig does!
  4. Honey - I bought some new speakers. Honey? Honey??
  5. That is awful. I have two friends in their 50s that are living through this. One has been through hell and back and is still here. The other went into remission for it to come back to the extent he has to wear a bag permanently. If ever there was a case for extending screening to those younger than 60, all these horrible examples would stand a much better fighting chance.
  6. The leaning shed of Nebraska?
  7. RIP Chadwick - 43 is no age at all. And to work through operations and chemo is really gritty determination not to just roll over. Carole's mother died at 42 from the same thing - colon cancer - when Carole was 18. There is no logic to it hitting someone so young. Once you get to over 60 in the UK, every two years they send you a poop-kit, and they screen it for bowel cancer (free of charge of course - this is the UK). There has to be a case to roll that out to younger people.
  8. You're missing a trick
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. How did they get away with calling it Veryron? Didn't Bugatti object??
  11. All I can say Nate is that I'm glad I'm not trying to keep up with you!
  12. A warning. The voltages inside an E/S headphone amp can kill you stone dead. If you don't have experience frigging around with something of this complexity and lethality - don't. And if you get something wrong and kill any of the silicon it will spoil your day. I have not found the schematic for this, but I'm betting that many devices in there are now obsolete. Proceed at your own peril.
  13. https://www.head-fi.org/threads/stax-727-voltage-conversion-100-to-117-help.679447/ Just noticed that link was for a 727, and yours is a 717. They are very different beasts.
  14. Bream? That is a great loss to classical guitar. RIP
  15. That was deliciously weird
  16. Oh*my*word. Looks very fishy Anyone here remember the late lamented Peter Belt? Even the names of the strange and wonderful products evoke a feeling a mystery and imagination. How about some Morphic Green Cream with which to adorn your Friendly Four Legged Stance Device? http://www.pwbelectronics.co.uk/product-information .
  17. At $500 it was possibly the best deal I've seen in audio.
  18. Baker looks like the crazy guy he was. He and Bruce hated each other, to the extent that Baker attacked him with a knife at one point. When, post Cream, Baker went to set up a recording studio and live in Lagos (in Nigeria), Bruce said that the best place for Baker was on another continent to him, but Africa was not far enough. But they were often off their heads on dope. Clapton disappeared for several years into his house and got lost on a cocktail of Class A drugs. Then he got off drugs and turned to alcohol. To the extent he couldn't play and sing, and often just staggered off stage after one mumbled number. It is a wonder he is still alive. Unlike the bass player they brought in for Blind Faith, Ric Grech. After playing bass with a wide selection of bands, he retired at 31 and died at 43 from kidney failure as a result of alcohol abuse. Was lucky enough to see Clapton and Winwood with my son maybe five years ago in Birmingham. They did pretty much everything on Blind Faith's single album, and then some Cream stuff. Factoid - Crosby, Stills and Nash approached Winwood to join the band. But because of other band commitments he turned them down. So instead they approached Neil Young....
  19. Did my first gym session since lockdown today. I have lost a shit load of condition in the five months they were closed. Lot of hard work to do for sure in the coming weeks. Of course you have to book in advance using their app, every other machine is off line to keep distances, and you wipe the machine down before and after with a spray bottle and a handful of paper off a roll. And there is a one-way system. But the good news is because the number is limited to 15 at any one time, you no longer have to queue for a machine!
  20. The Chinese gizmo finally arrived after I extracted it from UK customs. Interesting so far. Measuring in my office, which has the computer, UPS and monitor I get 350mV In the kitchen with none of the LED lights on, 100mV and with all the LED ceiling lights on, 145mV. So the switched mode supplies inject a decent amount of extra garbage into the mains. Plugged in to a Russ Andrews Signature Powerblock, 40mV. So the good news is that the power block - which among other things contains a bank of mains X rated capacitors between live and neutral - seems to be doing what it says on the tin. More playing around is going to happen....
  21. I like the listening lounger
  22. When your life is under threat, you'd better be careful what you grab
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