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Craig Sawyers

High Rollers
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Everything posted by Craig Sawyers

  1. Have a great woody day Steve! Happy birthday from the other side of the pond!!
  2. That is an impressive device! And cheap as chips at UKP 0.38 (although it is very similar in USD or Euro now) from Mouser in one off.
  3. Or even the DXTP560BP5 . PNP, 500V, 150mA and 2.8W Surface mount of course....
  4. Any thoughts on the PZTA96ST1G ? Surface mount SOT223, PNP, 450V and 500mA. Downside is 1.5W power dissipation. At least the darned thing is still available
  5. KSA1156 is of course obsolete, alas. OnSemi seem hell bent on obsoleting anything remotely useful from the inventory of companies they acquired. If it does not go in a mobile phone, flat screen TV, PC or car or anything with huge volume, they lose interest real fast. Any that are on eBay are >90% fakes
  6. The bizarre thing with the Sanyo datasheet in the subject line says NPN, but the actual data is all negative going - which would only be the case for a pnp. Of course all the AI data scrapers only consider the (incorrect) Sanyo tag line of NPN - and that forms the basis for every human on the web to propagate that nonsense. Or the other way round - it matters not. As Kevin says - the 2sa1968 is a pnp
  7. A very belated one Jeff - hope you had a great day!
  8. Eating humble pie. The original diagram was correct. I had to draw up the truth tables to convince myself! Clearly very rusty now with Boolean logic. I used to be a dab hand.
  9. The two captions on the bottom right are the wrong way round. The NOR gate in the bottom middle would do not(South or Africa) and the bottom right, a NAND gate would do not(South and Africa).
  10. What a life! She said in an interview in the last few years that she was amazed she was still alive. RIP Marianne Faithfull.
  11. Happy birthday!!
  12. "If you want to feel older, just try giving an uncooperative cat a series of antibiotic pills." The mighty Hercules trying to give the cat a pill
  13. RIP Tony Slattery. Who is that? Well back in '79 or thereabouts we went to see the Cambridge Footlights, a showcase for comedy and acting from Cambridge University Undergrads. Traditionally participants have gone on to greatness. Been running since 1886 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Footlights . The one we saw - in Southampton - had Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie and Emma Thompson in it. Aged 20 or 21 at that point. Each of them went on to greatness. This is them back then. Slattery is the guy in the pale sweater. After footlights he had a burst of fame in a satirical review show on the TV - and then nothing. Totally off the radar. Unrecognizable now, he was making a slow come back. He'd spent the intervening 40 years in dependency and mental illness. No sooner was he getting modestly confident in front of an audience, that he had a heart attack and died, aged 65.
  14. Happy birthday Grahame!!!
  15. SAS Rogue Heroes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAS:_Rogue_Heroes I had not realised that the SAS (Special Air Service) was a created entity in 1942, but quickly became the sort of thing we know of today. Once they got going, and started causing clandestine mahem in desert warfare against Rommel's supply chain, they invented their own motto - still the SAS's motto today - "Who dares, wins". Anyway, a must watch.
  16. Happy birthday
  17. Happy birthday Knucks!
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. We had it after 3 shots. Woke up feeling like shit, took a test - ping! Wife was out playing tennis. Came back "I feel a bit weird" take the test I suggest. Ping! Just like a bad head cold. All clear 5 days later, and led a 12 mile walk 5 days after that. I've lost count of how many shots we've had now; definitely 6 and possibly 7.
  20. Thanks guys - got it now. Some of the MoFi stuff looks expensive on first sight. But vinyl records were always expensive. Back in the early 70's LP records were around (in US-speak) $6. since then retail prices have increased by 17 times. Which means the real value in today's money is $106. And those flimsy records came with pops and crackles from new. So MoFi's price of $125 for their virgin vinyl, 45rpm ultra high quality pressings is not much more we were paying in 1972 for complete rubbish.
  21. Doesn't let me read that article unless I subscribe. Sigh.
  22. The number of The Beast!
  23. Happy birthday!!
  24. Those names are absolutely true. I have personally been to both Penistone and Cockermouth.
  25. I had a pair of ESP6's in the mid 70's. Those were the self energized ones with a transformer in each earcup? I remember that they were not light. Sounded good as I recall, but listening time was limited by the head crushing weight and the sweaty fluid filled earcups.
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